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culture of secrecy may have led to patients dying They were accused of burying the truth as Scotland s anti secrecy watchdog, nba jerseys Kevin Dunion, revealed that they withheld more than 50 reports on serious incidents including 20 deaths Last night, Health Moncler Mens down jackets with hat dark green Secretary Nicola Sturgeon moncler puffer coats ordered an immediate investigation into NHS Ayrshire and Arran. Rab said yesterday: "Deaths may have occurred due to this culture of secrecy. The point of these reports and the action plans that are meant to follow them is they re meant to be a learning experience. moncler nyc soho "Imagine your relative was a patient and they committed suicide. If you found there d been a similar incident earlier, and nothing had been learned from it, what would you be doing? "Due to the incompetence at the highest level, the NHS could be sued for millions." Rab also says he suspects that after his request, the health board began "retrospectively" making action plans, as they realised they d been caught out. In February 2011, after years of battling with bosses, Rab, from New Cumnock, Ayrshire, made a Freedom of Information request for all serious incident reports since 2005, and action plans arising from them. Of the incidents, it is understood 20 involved deaths, although the figure has never been confirmed officially. Bosses refused to disclose incident reports because of patient confidentiality. They also claimed not to have action plans for historic incidents and said they were working on plans for more recent ones. Rab believes bosses used delaying tactics "kicking me into the long grass" by refusing his FoI request so they had time to cover their tracks. When Dunion intervened, the health chiefs again insisted the documents didn t exist. But his investigation took a twist in July, when they claimed they d "found" a string of historic action plans on the computer of a staff member who d been on long term leave. NHS Ayrshire and Arran deny any cover up. But Dunion s 48 page report into the health board was damning. He said yesterday: "We discovered that over 50 action plans which we had been assured by the health board no longer existed, or were no longer held, were indeed Moncler cowskin high Men Vancouver Casual shoes held by them. "This case has involved a catalogue of failings perhaps the most serious such case in my time as commissioner. "The failings may point to wider governance issues which have to be addressed. "Mr Wilson s persistence was characterised moncler gamme bleu online by the board as being vexatious, but perhaps instead should have raised concerns that records concerning critical incidents were missing, policies were not being adhered to and public confidence that plans had been drawn up and acted upon could be affected." NHS Ayrshire and Arran moncler red vest said yesterday the problem was with "records management systems" and dated back to before 2009. Chief executive John Burns added: "At the time of their creation, the action plans were passed to the appropriate service for action. We are now carrying out a new piece of work to review how these were implemented Moncler lucie new pop star Women down coat long pink at the moncler clairy jacket time."
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