cost effectiveness of Health vs Resists A few weeks ago I created this chart and it got me onto thinking about the way that resists increase effective HP. This discussion is all about effective Moncler Vest down Men bronzy no hat zip HP. Armor and MR work by Moncler vosges Women Large lapel Buttons Grey Jackets reducing the damage that you are taking by a percentage (damage reduction = 100/(100+resist)). This in turn means that for every point of health you have, nfl jerseys the armor and moncler zip MR make it seem like you have more health. The calculation for effective health: EHP = Health x (100+Resist) / 100. So if you have 1000 HP and 50 Armor. You have 1000 x (100+50) / 100 = 1500 EHP (versus physical damage). So when should I buy health and when should I buy resists to maximize my effective HP in relation to the cost of either health or resists. There are two graphs I created. The first is if you are facing single type of damage (either physical OR magic as armor and MR are the same cost) The second is if you are facing mixed damage. Mixed will essentially mean that your health is 2x more effective because each resist will only be blocking half the total damage you are taking (think of fighting vs a Kayle with E on, you need both armor and MR to reduce that damage, therefore health is generally going to give you more bang for the buck). I based my calculations off of this nice, but outdated, article on solomid. I substituted the new values for the cost of armor and MR. Armor and MR got more expensive and HP stayed about the same. Read the article shop moncler for more information or if I don make any sense. To read the charts you find your current HP and your current resist value. If you have 2000 HP and 100 MR and you are itemizing for facing just magic damage, you want to stack MR until you hit 237 MR. Moncler down jackets Women with Hat purple With split damage (50/50 physical moncler junior and magic) you are going to want to essentially stack health. A nice point to hit for cost effectiveness against split damage is 3500 HP and 100 armor and MR. My Moncler down jackets Women down coat zip long black take away from this: I did not expect the graph to be telling me to stack resists for single type damage as hard as it suggests. With the prevalence of void staff and last whisper, here is a graph that factors in you having 35% of your resist being ignored. It a bit of a middle ground, but as you can see, there moncler official online store is still a benefit to resist stacking to maximize EHP even when they have that big reduction item. Edit: fixed the graphs because resists and health were on the wrong side of the line. I knew something looked funky. close this windowyou ll need to login or register to do thatcreate a new accountall it takes is a username and password
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cost health care in Tennessee Where to find free affordable health care in Tennessee: Nashville Davidson County As mentioned in part 1 of this series, jerseys Where to find free low cost health coverage in Tennessee: government agencies, Obamacare and unemployment have brought health care to the center of attention in Tennessee and other states. With two million people expected to lose their unemployment benefits during the holidays, many Nashvillians will be looking for free or low cost health care options. The following are some affordable health care options in Nashville and Davidson County. Bridges to Care Bridges to Care is a program created to help uninsured residents of Davidson County connect with around 35 primary health, dental, mental health and substance Moncler for Womens jackets kellyfur Real fur collar grey abuse clinics. The Bridges to moncler new york Care network offers numerous services to the uninsured, including disease management moncler jackets for mens and treatment of acute episodic conditions, as well as access to pharmacy services, specialty moncler jas care, and transportation to medical appointments. Call 615 269 3461 for more information. Siloam Family Health Center Moncler Kids dark blue Clothing-Fall-Winter Siloam Family Health Center located at 820 Gale Lane in Nashville, cares for uninsured people in Middle Tennessee by providing high quality, affordable health care designed moncler womens coats outlet to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of individuals who have limited medical care options. Therapy Network Development Group, Inc. is a non profit organization Fashion Moncler Men down with Hooded Zip Yellow Vest in Nashville that provides speech, language, and hearing rehabilitation and healthcare services to needy infants, children, and adults in Tennessee who don t Moncler coats for Women Fur collar long light gray have insurance or TennCare coverage or who work 20 hours or less at very reduced rates
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