Construction News ALSO CARE, seahawks jerseys EMPLOYMENT AND PENSION CRISES Recent headlines, 4 million think they will never afford a house, Nation of mortgage slaves, cheap homes crisis, risking health to pay mortgage, one million pensioners suffer alone, generation driven to drink to fill lonely days in retirement. moncler pharrell vest 10,000 OAPs trapped in unfit care homes, every 59 seconds in UK one person is declared insolvent. Family Moncler down Men jackets montclar Buttons Hooded black breakdown is often caused by money problems, resulting in depression leading to mental health issues, loneliness and isolation can be the beginning of dementia. There are also many people retiring who don t have the financial means of keeping themselves in good health and well being. The answer would be not to have a market system where the higher rate becomes the going rate. Now we have seen the achievements of the Olympics and the way it can unite the people, this is an opportunity to start a campaign to protect our open space and have a new way of housing ourselves. We should stop developers turning up and saying" Moncler Men dark blue black all of wool Sweater we want to build here you try and stop us." Maybe a community farm in some areas could be part of the scheme, a different layout and design is needed which would allow older people to move into and free up other houses. I believe a new community living building could break the cycle of bad behaviour. See designs for more insight. It has been reported that 4 of every ten new houses will be occupied by immigrants. Should we not build some houses in Eastern Europe and make those countries better so they don t want to leave their home land? Maybe we should build 40% of the proposed houses in Eastern Europe and not in the UK. I recall a lady speaking of the lack of care with her husband s dementia; we should be looking at the Local Core Strategies that are now being decided over the next twenty year plan. A development area could be decided by each parish or town council, where a housing complex could be built, and the local folk who have health problems that find it difficult to live in their house be it a single person or a couple could move into, people could help look after each other within the complex, also some younger care workers could live on site to be on call. At the moment, we have carers driving all over the place, attending clients for a few minutes a time. The people who need the care are then left alone for several hours where a number of problems can arise. Moncler down Coats Men Hooded mid-length Military green It has been said we should build on brown field sites, many seem to go along with this, but often brown field sites are closed down industrial areas. We should re establish these areas for industry, Instead of importing so much, and create employment at home. We should not be building on Grade 1 or 11 agricultural land, there are areas that could be used of less productive land, but developers rather go where they can make most money. They could be bought at this price, but would not be allowed to sell them on, only back to the trust, rents could be 350 per month, with life time tenancies; In the event the land owner would not except the rental offered the land would be compulsorily purchased at agricultural value. We should build houses on steel frames off ground and use wooden cladding and have wool Moncler Chany Vest Women Black for insulation, stop dredging the sea beds for shingle for building. This would help the Steel industry and the environment by growing more trees, plus have a market for our wool industry. A family pension fund could be set up on a national or local basis, to allow people to pay into this fund; with a new affordable housing scheme one would be able to do this, the fund could pay interest of around 6%, but one would not be able to draw on the capital until one has retired. Any surplus capital could be passed onto the other elected family members once one passes on. The income generated would be used to build affordable care homes, moncler jackets outlet uk under the rented land scheme. Designs are needed to allow open space for walks, allotments, sports facilities, and general wellbeing; in some cases a community farm could be formed. There is a need for older people s accommodation to free up homes that have single occupancy; this would apply in towns and villages. Under the above plan, we could have a flexible retiring age, and mothers would not have to work; that s not to say mothers shouldn t work, but they shouldn t have to. Accommodation would be better provided with a design for single mothers (for whatever reason they are alone,) and retired people, isolation and being alone can cause more problems, a problem shared can be a problem halved. There are two things we need as human beings, that s the company of others and our own space, on new estates where one is overcrowded yet isolated. We are not taking moncler outlet online store the advantage of our technology; every industry has reduced the need for Labour. Three million unemployed could be considered an achievement, we should not have three million doing nothing while others keep them unemployed, we should have more job sharing especially for the over 55s, but you cannot have more part time jobs on a market economy where the higher rate becomes the going rate that everyone else has to follow. We could of course return to cutting the roadside hedges with a swop and clean out the ditches with a shovel, milk the cows by hand and deliverer the milk with a pair of yokes. We remember bus conductors and the telephonist that plugged us in. Capitalism as we know it, allows too many to fall off. But we really need to look at the future for the sake of younger members of society. For those who bought a house in the Sixties, they can sell and move round, but if you are 19, what hope do you have? Everyone needs a purpose, can growth go on? Is Growth destroying the Planet? We should take housing benefit out of the private sector from the next time one moves, the money saved would build the affordable houses we need, (However, we need to build the homes for the people to move into,) Then the real market rent would be established, similarly with care home cost, the money sent does not go on care, it goes to a few private people or some large company s making money. County Councils close their care homes as the Government cut their funding, then the state pay out more on private care fees. It has been said that social housing causes problem people, when people had the right to buy, those who could afford the rent could afford to buy, and unfortunately we are left with the less well off in the social rented sector which is no fault of their own. It is not affordable housing that is causing the problems but the market housing that is the real issue. Market housing is causing debt and despair. Building houses and Moncler Men all of wool Sweater black calling it growth is a recipe for disaster. If one looks at the problems in Ireland, Spain and America, its building too many houses that is the root of the problem. While some of the above would be outside the Local Council, may I recommend this is put to the government for consideration? Also put this to a referendum with in the Localism Act to take place next May at County Council Elections
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