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Census shows significant increase in Wisconsin s single The census data show the number of households with children under age 18 headed by single fathers has risen by 35.2 percent since 2000. The largest growth among family households in the state was reported for single father households with children. Single mother households with children reported the next largest growth, mlb jerseys at 13.4 percent, well below the 35.2 percent reported by single father households. More than 15,000 additional family households with children were headed by single fathers in 2010 than in 2000. A similar increase was reported for single mother households, at 17,336. "Single mother households outnumber single father households, yet the rate of growth is much higher among single father households," says Katherine Curtis, demographic specialist and faculty affiliate of the Applied Population Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin Madison. "As a society, we tend to focus on single mother households because of our traditional ideas about the responsibility of parenthood. We typically look to mothers to take responsibility for children." The growth in single father households suggests more fathers moncler for mens might be taking responsibility. Single parent households result from divorce, death or parents not marrying. "The Census 2010 data do not tell us what is causing the increase in single parent households, nor does it provide information on the consequences," says Curtis. However, she adds, one challenge faced by single parent families is that there is likely only one adult earner in the household. "Households with one earner Moncler jackets for Mens long down coat Gray have a lower earnings potential as compared to households with two adult earners," she says. "This puts single parent households at greater risk of financial insecurity, and single mother households are at an even greater risk given gender inequality in wages." The number of family households with children headed by fathers grew from 42,757 to 57,788 between 2000 and 2010. Despite this growth, single parent families harrods moncler mens remain mostly headed by females. Married couple households with children are still the majority of family households moncler mens jackets cheap with children in Wisconsin, even though their number declined by 10.2 percent. Married couple households made up 68.5 percent of the state s family households with children in 2010 as compared to 74.2 percent in 2000. At the same time, the number of all married couple households increased by 2.1 percent. The total number of family households with children declined by 2.7 percent between 2000 and 2010. "The overall moncler clairy jacket decline in families with children reflects the trend for married couple households since they make up the majority of family households in Wisconsin," says Curtis. "A decline in married couple households with children could result from married Baby Boomers whose children have grown, lower birth rates and smaller family sizes, or a delay in decisions to get married and/or have children." The state s child population declined moncler puffer coats by 2.1 percent, falling from 1.37 million in 2000 to 1.34 million in 2010. Census data also show a 40.8 percent increase in unmarried partner households and a 15.2 percent increase in households where people live alone. These households are not reported as family households, but the increase might be associated with trends in single parent households, because some of these households are made up of parents who have not married moncler chevalier or of divorced parents whose children were residing with the other parent on Census Day (April 1, 2010). Most counties in the state reported an increase in the proportion of single father households. St. Croix County reported the biggest growth at 75 percent, followed by Lafayette (60.5 percent), Sauk (59.4 percent) and Buffalo (58.6 percent) counties. Four counties reported a decline in the proportion of single father households, including moncler women down jacket Bayfield, Forest, Menominee and Price counties. Bayfield County reported the largest decline at 25.9 percent. Forest County reported no change, while all other counties reported significant growth or decline in single father households. "Changes in households have implications for communities ranging from school enrollment to residential choices," according to Curtis. "Current and future classroom and housing demands are affected by demographic changes in households." Tables and a map summarizing select state and county trends are available here. All data are publicly available and can be accessed through the Census Bureau s search engine, American FactFinder

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Centenarian comes home FAMILY GATHERING Mary Ann Walsh and her 94 year old brother Jim Campbell pictured at a re union in Bohola Moncler down Vest buttons Men dark green recently. Front, nfl jerseys from left: Cara Walsh, Fr Padraig Costello, PP, Bohola; Mary Ann Walsh, Jim Campbell, and Ann Campbell (Niece). Back, from left: Rose Walsh, Nora Campbell, John Walsh, Kathleen Gill, Fred Walsh, Vera Walsh, Margaret Walsh, Doreen Walsh and Dan Walsh. Michael Donnelly Home to Mayo for 100 year old Mary Ann IT was o the morning as usual for sprightly centenarian Mary Ann Walsh (nee Campbell) on her first visit to her native Mayo in 20 years. The 100 year old, who walks Moncler yellow cowskin Men Vancouver shearling Boots more than a mile every day, was born in Lurga, Charlestown, a few hundred yards from where Knock Airport is today, back in 1908. In the words of the old song, she away from Queenstown, that is the Cobh of Cork back in 1926, the year that 2RN, later to become Raidi made its first broadcast. She took the train from Charlestown to Cork, saying farewell to her father and mother and the other members of the family. never saw my father again. My two youngest sisters were just three and a half months and a year Moncler Jura Down Coats Black and a half at the time. I did not meet them or my mother again for 33 years and that was in 1959 when I made my first trip home to Ireland, she recalled on a visit to the homeplace of her late husband, Dan Walsh, in Ardacarra, Bohola, last week. was the oldest girl of a family of 13. A lot of my young years were taken up helping my mother at home. My mother maiden name was Ann Marie Higgins and my father was Thomas Campbell. My father rocked my mother in the cradle and 18 years later he married her. He was 38 and she was 18 so there was Moncler Down Jacket Men Hooded Zip black 20 years between them. back now, it was sad that I never got to see my father again after leaving Ireland. My mother would never come to America and she was afraid to go on the plane. I left home when I was 18 and I first saw her again when she was 74. Philadelphia was where Mary Ann Campbell spent her first few years in America. She worked as a governess for some families during that time. And it was at an Irish dance in the city that she first met her husband to be, Dan Walsh from Bohola. had a girlfriend at the dance the same night discount moncler jackets and he met me and asked me for a dance. He said a good dancer, I have another dance with you Then he made a date with me and it all started after that. They were married in Philadelphia in 1933 ( was our President at the time, she recalls) and then moved to New York where they spent the next eight years in the Bronx and Manhattan before eventually setting into their home in Queens in 1941. Dan and Mary Ann raised a family of five, four daughters and a son, Dan, who accompanied her on her visit home to Mayo last week. Old times in the homeland were often recalled when the family was growing up in Queens. And Dan Walsh, the man from Bohola, used to sing a lot of the Irish songs. he went into the bathroom and you didn hear him singing, you have to find out what was wrong! He was always singing. Garden Where The Praties Grow Boy Take You Home Again, Kathleen Bay and The River Shannon Flows are some moncler kids coat of the ones I remember. He loved those old Irish song, says Mary Ann, her broad smile evoking happy memories from down memory lane. Her son Dan interjects: grew up with John McCormack records. He was such a favourite in our home. We got to know all his songs. After making it home to Ireland in 1959, Mary Ann and her husband Dan did so at ten year intervals over the next few decades, always enjoying their journeys from America to Shannon and up to Mayo. Dan died in 2001 at the age of 94. During the 1950s, as travel by air began to moncler mens uk grow, the Walsh family home in Queens had plenty of cousins visiting from the sod as it was located so close to Idlewild Airport, renamed John F Kennedy Airport in 1963. often had people staying in our house, especially during the summer. The relationships were well maintained with Mayo in those times. Renowned for the quality and style of her letter writing, Mary Ann crafted many beautiful letters from Queens to Ireland over the years. people have some of my letters going back 40 years. My sister Annie has nearly all the letters I ever wrote to her. Six of the family of 13 born in Lurga are alive today, ranging in age from 82 to 100. And while some were present for her big party held in her son Dan home in America, she decided she wanted to visit Mayo to meet the ones who could not make it across the Atlantic. Her sisters Annie O and Josie O reside in Roscommon and bergdorf moncler Glengarriff, Co Cork while her brother Jim is in Dublin and Martin and Michael are in Leeds. All were in Mayo for the big celebration party in the Downhill Hotel in Ballina where members of the Campbell and Walsh families raised a toast to Mary Ann, the belle of the ball. And she loved every minute of it. been having a wonderful time, meeting so many family and friends. I even called to Tavneena where I went to school. It has changed a lot since my time there. There are huge changes everywhere. I remember walking to Mass in Charlestown and home again. We all did. I also remember going out to the bog but I didn foot any of the turf. I was sent to the bog with the lunch. still love to walk and that has kept me feeling young and fit. I have lived with my daughter Kay in Charlottesville, Virginia for the last four years. I walk about a mile a day at least and maybe two or three miles a day sometimes. For Mary Ann, it was the perfect end to her centenary celebrations. made my mind up that I wanted to make this trip home to Mayo. It heaven to get back and see everybody again. Nov 26, 2013: Aghamore woman hits 104 and still going strongMayo s most senior resident Eileen Waldron Rogers from Aghamore will celebrate her 104th birthday this week on Wednesday, November 27

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