Biosphere & Nature
Articles on fauna, flora, and geology.

The relationship between gemstones and their formation environments

Igneous rocks are rocks formed from the cooling and solidification of the magma deep within the Earth’s crust. In general, the longer and slower magma cools, the larger the resulting crystal formation will be. These long and slow crystallization processes often yield enormous crystals of gem-grade minerals, ......

Gemstones and Minerals

Except for a few layers of top soils on the surface, much of the Earth is made up of solid materials called rocks. These soils and rocks are products of minerals: the basic units of rocks. Mineralogy defines “minerals” as ......

Keeping Amphibians

There are many reasons for keeping amphibians.  Zoologists, those who have terrariums and like amphibians are happy to receive these escaped or lost troublemakers, even if they might call during the middle of the night, need regular water changing and other trivial tasks, just to have a close encounter with these creatures.  The pets are even kept in decorated glass tanks as a decoration in the living room or in other rooms. ......

Learning Resources – General Concepts on Amphibians

Amphibians have been roaming the earth for 230 million years; they are a highly diversified species among the vertebrates.  They started evolving independently at least sometime during the Permian period (248 million to 295 million years ago).  To think that the amphibians today are the transitional species between fish and reptiles is a misconception......

「Find something new」——the dangers of collecting fish specimens

“Fish, fish swimming in the water” is a line from a song we are all familiar with from when we were young, a song we have hummed and sang the words to countless times. The children who sing the song inevitably grow up but every time they pass by a river or swamp or leap into the blue ocean they will always hear this relaxing rhythm once again in their heads. Who knows the differences between.....


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