Languages & Multimedia
Articles on languages, journalism, and mass media.

Taking an archive news film about the August 7 flood as the starting point of discussions

The Taichung Earthquake of 1935, the August 7 floods of 1959, 1999’s Chi-chi Earthquake and the 2009 August 8 typhoon disaster are probably the natural disasters that have hit Taiwan in the last 100 years that have caused the most deaths and injuries and are etched deepest in the collective memory of the people. As the first anniversary of.....

Call of the Mountains and Shi Weiliang

Not many know that Shi Weiliang had tried his hand at writing soundtracks for several films throughout the course of his creative career. These movies include Hsi Shih, Beauty of Beauties, directed by Li Han-hsiang in 1965, A Perturbed Girl, directed by Sung Tsun-shou in 1965, Fire Bulls, directed by Lee Hsing, Lee Chia, and Pai Jingrui in 1966, and Call of the Mountains, directed by Yeung Man-gam in 1967. Shi took up the job of writing soundtracks because his friend Guo Ren who was the art director in those films had recommended him. ...

Mazu in black and white

In old black and white footage we can see the tracks of Mazu belief ’s development in Taiwan. The sea has always been a “good sea”, providing food and used for transport, but it can also be a sea of misery, full of fear and uncertainty. This dual personality made the people who lived beside it and sailed on it respect and fear the sea. In Asia, Mazu is the most important sea god/goddess in southeast China and Taiwan, Okinawa, Korea and Japan in northeast Asia, and Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. .....

Taipei Zoo in black and white

National Taiwan’s University’s meticulously planned “Digital Insect World” exhibition is currently being shown in Taipei Zoo and has received an enthusiastic response from the public, fascinating many people with its secrets of the natural world. Do you know that in 1915 during Taiwan’s Japanese colonial period Taipei had a zoo? What changes in ecological conservation concepts in Taiwan are illustrated by post 1945 news films? Let’s go to the Chinese Taipei Film Archives to hear this interesting story. .....

Chinese New Year in black and white

February 15 2010, the date the TELDAP newsletter was published, was the second day of Chinese New Year, the time when married daughters traditionally return home to visit their mother. How did you pass the Chinese New Year? Despite many being government propaganda films the black and white news films in Chinese Taipei Film Archives give us a view of Taiwan in the mid 20th Century. Let’s watch these old films and see what Chinese New Year in Taiwan was like in days gone by. .....

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