Archives & Databases
Articles on archives, rare books, the Chinese Classics Full-text Database, and stone and bronze rubbings.

Rare Books and Periodicals

This area displays rare books and periodicals collected by the Institute of History and Philology. Many are extremely rare, such as exemplary copies printed in the Sung dynasty; there are also genealogies of books, in which one single volume contains texts from different editions of the same work. In addition, there is a great amount of folk literature in the form of "song compendiums," as well as manuscripts and copies with handwritten commentaries by.....


Taiwanese Materials

This part of the exhibition introduces the early period of Taiwanese history before and after its incorporation into the Ch’ing Empire in 1683. Major items include documents of four generations of Koxinga’s line, maps of the island, The General Paintings of Taiwan’s Aboriginal Peoples, which record the social and cultural aspects of aboriginals during the 17th and 18th century, and.....

Han Dynasty Wooden Slips from Edsen-gol

Wang Kuo-wei, the great scholar of the late Ch'ing and early Republican period, called the discovery of inscribed wooden slips from the Han (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) and Ch'in (265-420) periods one of the four great academic discoveries of early-twentieth century China.The exhibition here displays more than 200 pieces from the Han period excavated around the area of Edsen-gol. Edsen-gol is located near the northwestern border of the Chinese empire in the Han dynasty. To strengthen security on the border, starting from.....


Discovering the Future from Stored Items of the Past—A Special Exhibition of Books and Documents in Celebration of the Instit

Location:Rare Texts Exhibition(2F)
Since its founding in 1928, the institute of History and Philology has been committed to the collection of all kinds of valuable historical materials. Despite the trials of nine relocations during wartime, research and survey work has never been interrupted, and a myriad of difficulties have been overcome in order to expand the collection. Eighty-one short years later, the institute and its work can justly be called the apotheosis of modern scholarship. In order to celebrate its anniversary, we are pleased to present a special exhibition of books, documents, and other materials related to the history of the institute. Through the exhibition of various important pieces in.....


Yang Yun-ping Papers (楊雲萍文書)

Yang Yun-ping (楊雲萍, 1906-2000), who had a real name “Yang Yo-lian” (楊友濂), was one of the founders of the “Everyone” (《人人》雜誌), the first vernacular literary magazine in Taiwan. He was mentored by Kawabata Yasunari (川端 康成) and Kan Kikuchi (菊池 寛) when studied at the Institute of Japanese Culture in Japan, and that made great impact on his creative style. Yang began to dedicate himself to researches on Taiwan history and culture after returning to Taiwan, and got a teaching job at Department of History, National Taiwan University in 1947. The Yung Yun-ping Papers contains various forms of correspondence with government agencies, non-government organizations, and .... 

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