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Total: 11 results found.

1. The "Nippon Maru II"
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
Built in 1984 to replace Nippon Maru as a training vessel for Japanese Navy cadets, the 111 meter Nippon Maru II is representative of the latest marine construction techniques. She tours the world as a ...
2. The "De Liefde"
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
After bad weather dispersed a group of Dutch ships searching for a new route to the East Indies, one of the vessels, De Liefde, drifted into Wengo Suido in Japan in June 1600. On board was the expeditions ...
3. The "Lilladan"
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
Built in 1951 mainly of oak and beech wood at a well-known shipyard in Svendborg, Denmark, the Lilladan was long used as a cadet training vessel, and is still available for charter in Scandinavian waters. ...
4. The "Astrolabe"
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
Built in France in 1811 as an armed exploration vessel, the Astrolabe conducted surveys, and made maps of the Mediterranean and Black seas. Later she circumnavigated the globe and explored and mapped the ...
5. Goleta
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
The Goleta was an Italian typical commercial sailboat on the Mediterranean Sea in the early nineteenth century. Due to less rough waves in this area, the construction and decoration of the ship were generally ...
6. The "Endeavour"
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
An unimposing coal carrier operating between England and Scandinavia , the Endeavour was purchased by the British Admiralty and placed under the command of Captain James Cook. From 1768 until 1780 Endeavour ...
7. The "Bluenose"
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
Built in 1921, the Bluenose was a Nova Scotia Grand Banks fishing schooner designed  specifically  to win races against the Gloucester fishing schooner of New England . After dominating these ...
8. The "Cutty Sark"
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
The Cutty Sark was built as a tea clipper, and made her maiden voyage to Shanghai in 104 days. However, Cutty Sarks most impressive voyages were between England and Australia in the wool trade. For more ...
9. The "Spanish Galleon"
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
The Spanish Galleon evolved from the carrack as sailors of the 16th century became more familiar with the requirements of transatlantic sailing. Galleon hulls were more slender, and the long overhanging ...
10. Cheng Cheng-Kung Chung-chun Boat
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
Although until recently he was known to European historians as the pirate "Koxinga", Cheng Cheng-Kung has long been honored in Taiwan as the heroic defender of the Southern Ming Empire and as ...
11. Cheng Ho Treasure Boat
(Matching tags: craft,sailing schooner)
Cheng Ho was a Chinese navigator and diplomat in the 15 th century. Under the aegis of the Ming Emperor, in 1405 Cheng Ho set out with a crew of 27800 and a fleet of more than 100 ships, some as long as ...