Photo Gallery - 4th Cyber-Island Photography Contest Winners
Kinmen People after the Flames of War (Gold Prize)
Kinmen People a...
The Plaza of Round Stones (Silver Prize)
The Plaza of Ro...
Immobilized (Bronze Prize)
Immobilized (Br...
Shepherding Sheep on Barren Hills (Selective Preference)
Shepherding She...
Looking for Old-time Flavor (Selective Preference)
Looking for Old...
A Glimpse in the Rain (Selective Preference)
A Glimpse in th...
Passing Travelers (Selective Preference)
Passing Travele...
Life of Coal (Selective Preference)
Life of Coal (S...
Innocence (Selective Preference)
Innocence (Sele...
Reunion Dinner (Selective Preference)
Reunion Dinner ...
Cherish and Be Content (Selective Preference)
Cherish and Be ...
Teasing (Excellent Work)
Teasing (Excell...
Longshan Temple - After 921 (Excellent Work)
Longshan Temple...
Purify-Harbor 7 Warriors (Excellent Work)
Purify-Harbor 7...
Demolishing Guanghua Bridge (Excellent Work)
Demolishing Gua...
The Eyes of Hope (Excellent Work)
The Eyes of Hop...
Happiness (Excellent Work)
Happiness (Exce...
Facial Threading (Excellent Work)
Facial Threadin...
Is This a Ball? (Excellent Work)
Is This a Ball?...
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