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The Small Golden Placard of the Civil Palace Examination in 1847 (文殿試小金榜)

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The ranking placard on which the names of successful examinees of the palace examination were written was known as the "Golden Placard", and there were two different sizes of this placard. The Small Golden Placard was a down-sized version of the Large Golden Placard prepared specifically for imperial inspection.

This particular Golden Placard documents the names, ranks, and birth places of two hundred and thirty-one chin-shih, including Chang Chih-wan (who won the first place). The placard also displays the names of Shen Kui-fen (rank 8), Li Hung-chang (rank 36), Shen pao-chen (rank 39), Kuo Sung-t'ao (rank 60) of the second ranking, and Ma Hsin-I (rank 6) and Chu Tz'u-ch'i (rank 114) of the third ranking, all of whom were important figures of late Imperial China.


Height 34.0,width 406.0cm



Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

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