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Tomophagus colossus (鬆芝)

Distribution: Widely distributed; specimen found in Africa, South Asia, Australia , South and Central America , USA ( Florida ). Presumably a pan tropical/subtropical species.

The earliest holotype specimen was found in Costa Rica and was published by Fries, a Swedish researcher known as the “Linné of Mycology”, in 1851. It is currently kept in the Uppsala University Botanical Garden

The fruiting body is sessile, fairly loose and soft in consistency, light-weighted; irregularly semi-circular and slightly ungulate, about 65 cm wide, growth length up to 25 cm , and up to 7 cm in thickness; Upper surface glabrous, yellowish brown, slightly laccate, irregularly swollen; Context soft, up to 5cm thick, and ivory-colored; Tube layer up to 2 cm thick, dark ivory-colored; Pileus crust 0.3 mm thick, composed of yellow, swollen skeletal hyphal ends. Pore surface ochraceous after storage; pores suborbicular, about 4 per mm. Context hyphal system trimitic; generative hyphae rare, colorless, nodoseseptate, 3-4 μm diameter, thin-walled; skeletal hyphae dominant, colorless or pale yellow, thick-walled to solid, rarely branched, 2.5-6 μm diameter; binding hyphae rare, colorless, thick-walled, branched, 1-2 m m diameter. Basidia not seen; Basidiospores ellipsoid or broadly ellipsoid, truncate at apex, usually containing one big oily drop, 15-19 x 10-12 μm; exospore thin, colorless; endospore thick, yellowish brown, separated from exospore by poroid-reticulate surface.



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