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Tree-Song by Li Tai-Hsiang (lyrics from poetry) (樹-李泰祥)

I.    Lyrics (translated from Chinese)

In the memory, your light-colored flower is a little smile.
Your leaves grow higher and higher with the past of time.
I cannot find your long branches in the sky.
Between the clouds, your sparse fruits must be cold and white.

Lyrics written by Shang Ch'in (商禽)


Tang Hsiao-Shih (唐曉詩)

II.    Manuscript

Handwritten manuscript of “Tree in G major” (1979)    Handwritten ensemble manuscript of “Tree in G major” for violin II (1982)


III.    Music Score

To view the story of Li Tai-Hsiang, please go to Li Tai-Hsiang, the Native Musician of Taiwan.
Text and images are provided by The Native Musician of Taiwan-Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan


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