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Story of Spring-Folk Song by Li Tai-Hsiang (春天的故事-李泰祥)
I.    Lyrics (translated from Chinese)

At dusk,
I walk to a small stream,
And see a beautiful girl.
Pure and lovely.
I can feel my heart beating violently.
I can’t help but asking her,
The story of Spring.
She shakes her head and smile at me,
Then give me a small Penstemon flower.

澎……… 澎………

Li Tai-Hsiang, Li Yi-Ching, and Li Bear (李泰祥、李奕青、李若菱)

Li Tai-Hsiang, Li Yi-Ching, and Li Bear (李泰祥、李奕青、李若菱)


II.    About this Song

Theme of the work:
The song states the scene and mood of Li Tai-Hsiang’s poetry fantasy, i.e. a natural field in spring. Main images in the song included: a pure girl and a small Penstemon flower, Those simplified terms are to realize ideal in the dream. And spring represents the yearning for music’s simplification and pureness.
Reference: Han-Lin. “Poem and Music;” the conversation between poem and shadow.

III.    Manuscript

Handwritten manuscript of “Story of Spring in F major” for violin and voice
Handwritten manuscript of “Story of Spring in G major” for voice and piano

IV.    Music Score



To view the story of Li Tai-Hsiang, please go to Li Tai-Hsiang, the Native Musician of Taiwan.

Text and images are provided by The Native Musician of Taiwan-Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

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