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Contraception mandate outrages religious groups The Obama administration s decision requiring church affiliated employers to cover birth control was bound moncler tibet vest to cause an uproar among Roman Catholics and members of other faiths, mlb jerseys no matter their beliefs on contraception. The regulation, finalized a week ago, raises a complex and sensitive legal question: Which institutions qualify as religious and can be exempt from the mandate? For a church, mosque or synagogue, the answer is mostly straightforward. But for the MONCLER combinaison ski noir baby Kids black jackets massive network of religious run social service agencies, there is no simple solution. Federal law lays out several criteria for the government to determine which are religious. But in the case of the contraception mandate, critics say Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius chose the narrowest ones. Religious groups that moncler cartoon oppose the regulation say it forces people of faith to choose between upholding church doctrine and serving the broader society. Moncler Men black red white all of wool Sweater "It s not about preventing women from buying anything themselves, but telling the church what it has to buy, and the potential for that to go further," said Sister Carol Keehan, president of the Catholic Health Association, representing some 600 hospitals. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) adopted the rule to improve health care for women. Last year, an advisory panel from the Institute of Medicine, which advises the federal government, recommended including birth control on the list of covered services, partly because it promotes maternal and child health by allowing women to space their pregnancies. The regulation includes a religious exemption if an organization Moncler Women goose down coats moka Hooded with Zip Brown qualifies. Under that provision, an employer generally will be considered religious if its main purpose is spreading religious beliefs, and if it largely employs and serves people of the same faith. That means a Catholic parish likely would qualify for a religious exemption; a large church run soup kitchen probably would not. Employers that fail to provide health insurance coverage under the federal law could be fined $2,000 per employee per year. The bishops domestic anti poverty agency, buy moncler Catholic Charities, says it employs 70,000 people nationwide. The fine for the University of Notre Dame, the most prominent Catholic school in the country, could be in the millions of dollars. HHS says employers can appeal a decision on whether they qualify for an exemption. But Hannah Smith, senior counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious moncler donna Liberty, said: "The mandate vests too much unbridled discretion in the hands of government bureaucrats." Mandates for birth control coverage are not entirely new for religious groups. Twenty eight states, including Washington, require contraceptive coverage in prescription drug plans. Of those states, 17 offer a range of religious exemptions, while two others provide opt outs of other kinds. However, opponents of the HHS regulation say there is no state mandate as broad as the new federal rule combined with a religious exemption that is so narrow. Both challenge the mandate as a violation of several freedoms, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which says the government cannot impose a substantial burden on the free exercise of religion. The fines would be more than $300,000 for Belmont Abbey for the first year, and more than $500,000 for Colorado Christian, Smith, the Becket Fund counsel, said. Many conservatives are also supporting legislation by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R Neb., that would codify a series of exceptions to the new health care law on religious and conscience grounds. moncler Men coats for black voiron Hooded Buttons For religious affiliated employers, the requirement is scheduled to take effect Aug. 1, 2013, and their workers in most cases will have access to coverage starting Jan. 1, 2014. Women working for secular enterprises, from profit making companies to government, will have access to the new coverage starting Jan. 1, 2013, in most cases

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Contraception medical methods moncler online shop This version approved by three editors (first, mlb jerseys second and third) from the listed workgroup. The Health Sciences Workgroup is responsible for this citable version. While Moncler vamp wing Glossy Women yellow brown Casual shoes we have done conscientious work, we cannot guarantee that this version is wholly free of mistakes. Help improve this work further on the editable Main Article! This article is about the medical means of contraception, for a general discussion of birth control in human society see birth control, for surgical means of contraception see Sterilization (surgical) and for abstinence methods see Natural Family Planning. For spaying and neutering in animals see Desexing operations. Medical methods of contraception include medications and medical devices used to prevent pregnancy in sexually active couples. When used properly, barrier contraceptives, hormonal contraceptives, and intrauterine devices all markedly reduce the probability of an unwanted pregnancy. They are effective even if heterosexual vaginal intercourse occurs without restriction to non fertile days (required by natural family planning), Moncler down jackets Women button with hooded red and without permanent loss of the ability to procreate later in life (as with most cases of surgical sterilization). Normally, fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube where the egg will begin dividing as it travels toward the uterus, and will implant itself. Another major strategy for contraception is to (4) prevent the implantation of a newly fertilized egg into the womb (intrauterine device (IUD)). Because human production of gametes (the ovum and spermatazoon that are capable of uniting to produce a zygote) is different in women and men, the strategies for stopping their production by hormonal methods are also different. Women produce egg cells (ovulation) periodically usually about every 28 days, from puberty (menarche) to menopause; by contrast, men produce sperm cells (spermatogenesis) continuously after puberty. For these and other reasons, hormonal treatments to prevent production of mature gametes are only available moncler reviews for women at this time. None of the medical methods of contraception, even when used in combination, is completely effective in preventing pregnancy when women of child bearing age have sexual intercourse with fertile men. Each of these medical methods of contraception has some health risks for the woman using them, and, as it so happens the methods that are most effective in preventing pregnancy also pose the greatest health risk to the woman. That said, the overall risk of using the more effective methods, hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills and patches) and implanted IUDs is quite low, and the risk of using barrier methods such as condoms and chemical spermicides is very, very low. These risks will be discussed in detail. Sex can cause other conditions besides pregnancy Women and men who have reason to be concerned that an unwanted pregnancy may result from their sexual activity have other risks, as well. The same sexual actions that cause pregnancy may also moncler branson down jacket transmit pathogens that cause disease. Except for condoms, medical methods of contraception offer either little or no protection against sexually transmitted diseases, and might even increase the risk of contracting an infection. Insertion of the IUD, in particular, is associated with a high risk Moncler Men red short Pants of pelvic inflammatory disease if a sexually transmitted infection is present when the device is inserted into the uterus. Pelvic inflammatory disease is a chronic bacterial infection of the female reproductive tract that is an important cause of infertility. Some chemical spermicides irritate the genital tract and have been shown to increase the rate of transmission of HIV in both male and female partners. Surgical and "natural" ways of preventing pregnancy Surgical methods are the most reliable means of preventing pregnancy, and offer a very high rate of safety for patients. However, none of them are reliably reversible and are therefore chosen only by those who both accept the use of contraception and who accept the probability that no more biological children will be possible. These methods, including tubal ligation, and vasectomy, are discussed under Sterilization (surgical). Family planning can be influenced by understanding the natural cycles of fertility that occur with ovulation and adjusting sexual behavior accordingly. Such methods can be used to both decrease and increase the chances of pregnancy. The article Natural Family Planning includes information that may help (somewhat) to accomplish, or avoid, conception. Some couples who use barrier methods of contraception combine these with abstinence on a woman s most fertile days, as predicted using a natural family planning method. Success and failure rates in contraception Medical methods of contraception are usually described as having a particular success rate. This is the percentage of sexually active heterosexual women of childbearing age using the method over the course of a year who do not become pregnant. For example, used properly, condoms are usually described as being 98% effective. Conversely, the failure rate of contraceptives is the percentage of women who become pregnant over the course of a year despite using the method being evaluated. For a hundred women whose mates used condoms, a failure rate of 2% means that two of them will become pregnant in that year. Another way that this 2% rate is expressed in the medical literature is as "two pregnancies per hundred woman years". A given method (such as male condoms) might be accepted as "98%" effective, but there are always provisos in applying these rates. The actual pregnancy rate is much higher in women whose partners do not consistently use condoms properly: for women under age 25 in the USA, male condoms are closer to 90% effective as contraceptives. It is easy to assume that the percentage used to describe effectiveness relates to a comparison with a control group who are not using contraception. This is not accurate. When no attempt at birth control is used by sexually active couples who desire children, the rate of pregnancy is not 100%. Instead, after one year, about 85% of women will have become pregnant. The remaining couples are called infertile, and are considered candidates for medical evaluation of infertility, should they so desire. Even without this evaluation, and without any treatment, some will go on to establish pregnancies. Some methods (like condoms) are very effective if used as directed, and the failure rate is a function not just of the method itself but absence of consistent use, or of technically correct use. Other methods (like an IUD) have a success rate that is independent of the users compliance. In other words, some methods have one level of effectiveness for perfect use and another level for actual use , but others, such as the IUD, have an effectiveness that is completely independent of conscious motivational acts by the user. As these attributes are important when discussing birth control, more detailed information moncler official outlet on effectiveness than the overall pregnancy rate is included for each of the methods presented here. Similarly, the incidence of side effects and complications of each method differ according to the individual characteristics of the women and men using them, and these relative risks are also discussed. In medicine, the choice of medical contraceptives is tailored to the individual characteristics of the user. try to physically prevent egg and sperm from coming into contact. Basically, this is attempted by either putting up a physical barrier to semen in the female tract, or by disabling the sperm so that it has poor mobility and a poor chance of fertilizing the egg, or both physically blocking the ejaculate and disabling the motility of sperm cells. The human sperm cell is normally able to swim propelled by a long tail called a flagellum. When sperm cannot move, they are much less likely to reach the egg. Further, when sperm are not normally motile, that is not swimming strongly, it is often a sign of being more generally impaired, and overall less likely to accomplish fertilization even if they did reach the egg. Condoms for men Condoms are a thin, strong, non porous tube of material moncler jackets kids sale that fits over the glans and shaft of the erect penis. Historically, condoms were made from natural materials, such as sheep intestines. However, synthetic materials, such as latex, are more effective for containing semen, and also offer some protection against infective agents that are much smaller than sperm cells, such as viruses. Condoms have become increasingly available to the public in most parts of the world since the AIDS crisis, and are the only form of contraception that (when used correctly) can both reduce the risk of pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections. The effectiveness of condoms varies according to the the individual product, and only good quality condoms are effective. Sperm cells are so small that a visible hole in a condom renders it useless. In some parts of the world, condoms are not of high enough quality to prevent sperm (or viruses) from being transmitted into the female genital tract, and these function as sham medical devices rather than true condoms. [1] The effectiveness of a condom of good quality depends on exactly how it is used. When a male condom is placed over an erect penis, semen and pre ejaculate is prevented from entering the vagina, stopping pregnancy from occurring; a condom will also prevent transmission of some STIs and HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). When used correctly, the efficacy rate for the prevention of both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections is 98%.[2] Water based lubricants increase the effectiveness of condoms by reducing the chance of a tear, but oil based products must not be used with latex condoms. The presence of oil reacts with the latex and significantly increases the chance of a tear, rendering the condom ineffective. Polyurethane condoms or non latex condoms are not affected by oil based products. Even when condoms are high quality, contain spermicide, and are used appropriately, pregnancy (and venereal disease including AIDS) occur(s) in some women

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