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Chasing imaginary health tourists won t cure the NHS Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt (Picture: PA) According to Jeremy Hunt the biggest MONCLER down Women Hooded Belt Accessories white jackets challenge facing the NHS isn t patients dying of neglect in hospital or accident and emergency waiting times spiralling out of control. No, jerseys the health secretary would have us believe it s the problem of health tourism or foreigners coming here to get free treatment courtesy of the British taxpayer. Moncler cowskin high Men Vancouver Casual shoes Aside from the question as to why anyone would risk it, Hunt s latest drive to clamp down on this apparent problem is a particularly egregious example of scaremongering moncler jackets sale men and shallow headline grabbing. And that in a week which he had competition from Nick Clegg. The Department of Health this week claimed 500 million could be raised by more actively recovering the cost of moncler italia overseas visitors treated on the NHS. A tidy sum of money you might think and one not to be sniffed at during a period of public spending cuts. So how do they arrive at this figure? It s here that the wheels begin to come Moncler Men black Short Sleeves T-shirt white blue stripe off, for the report admits: NHS has no robust evidence on which either to base estimates of the amount of money spent on those who are not entitled to free treatment or to prioritise action to combat abuse. moncler mens jacket sale But that doesn t stop the DoH loudly proclaiming: There is a cost of between 70 million and 300 million from people who deliberately travel to the UK to get free NHS treatment so called health tourists . Previous actual figures show the amount not recovered from overseas patients at around 20 million. But closer examination of the report reveals Creative Research, who carried out this work, use this as a starting point to speculate the figure could be up to 300 million. One of the means by which they arrive at this figure is by qualitative research, in other words relying on anecdotes from those Moncler Women down jacket big neck Grey working in the NHS. But the report says difficult to prove the patient s intent though some people coming to Britain are often felt to be very knowledgeable about accessing both the healthcare and benefits systems . Funny that, given the NHS provides information to people in 50 languages. If the NHS is ever going to move on from its recent setbacks then less moncler outlet sale time and money needs to be spent chasing imaginary health tourists and more on ensuring a trip to hospital is on a return ticket

Moncler k2 Multiple logo Women Vest Cream

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Text and images are provided by National Palace Museum