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Contributes to Health Care Hypocrisy The current debate over the public option in health care legislation accentuates the hypocrisy of politics in general and Republican Senator John Ensign in particular. Ensign also rejected the Finance Committee Health Care bill, nfl jerseys alleging that it will result in Moncler Kids jackets blouson ski blanc baby Hooded white a massive tax on middle class Americans and result in a loss of Moncler Men Down Jacket Maya doudoune Red Medicare coverage for seniors. He further alleges that a "government run health care scheme would places personal health care choices in the hands of bureaucrats instead of in the hands of individuals and their doctors." He goes on to say that "a government system would lead to fewer choices moncler prices for individuals, the rationing of medical care. Ensign knows better. Nothing in the legislation would impact on Medicare. Further, Moncler Womens goose jackets ingres Hooded Belt black Medicaid funds for Nevadans would likely be increased. Further, all federal employees, including members of congress and their staffs are eligible to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). FEHBP is a system of "managed competition" through which employee health benefits are provided to full time permanent civilian government employees and qualified retirees of the United States Government. moncler top The FEHBP allows insurance companies and employee associations such as labor unions to develop health, dental, and allied plans to be marketed to governmental employees. For Ensign and all other legislatures and federal employees, the government pays a portion of their health care costs bringing their individual costs down to levels considerably below the market price. For example, the 2010 monthly premium under Blue Cross/Blue Shield fee for service plan for a standard family has a premium cost of $1,215.72. The Government pays $814.75 of the costs. The cost to the government employee is $396.29. The 2010 monthly premiums for a family participating in a HMO under the system in Virginia is $1,117.00. The Government pays $814.75. The participant pays $302.25. Further, the government caps the monthly contributions at $363.16 for self only coverage and $814.75 for self and family coverage. The premiums for FEHBP plans are experience rated, which means that premiums are based on the most recent experience with the cost of providing coverage to plan enrollees. These premiums are negotiated annually. In addition, participants can carry over their coverage after leaving the government providing, in essence, life long government run coverage. Of course, this coverage will supplement their Medicare when they reach 65. By the way, supplemental vision and dental is also offered under the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). While the government does not contribute to the dental and vision program, competition for participating allows for low cost premiums. Essentially conservatives are arguing against providing the same competitive health care to others that they themselves have. The health insurance exchange system that conservatives oppose is modeled on the FEHBO system. Thus when members of Congress and President Obama say that reform will get people closer to what Congress and federal employees have, they are referring to the number of choices available through the FEHBP. moncler polos Allowing the average Jo(e) to participate in a health insurance exchange, allows for both choice and regulated competition. However, any new exchange would be separate from the FEHBP. Further federal employees could not participate in the civilian version. The so called "public plan," is simply some form of the exchange. However, if approved, it would not be available to most Americans who are covered by employer sponsored health insurance. Nonetheless, some conservatives are offering amendments to allow Congress and moncler jackets from china their staffs to participate in the public option if one is created. This, of course, would allow the legislators and their staffs to select the lowest cost, highest service option available to them. Essentially, they are asking to do, what they argue against; allow a choice between government controlled plans. In the final analysis, Ensign and his Republican colleagues do not want to provide the same health care protection they themselves have. That, of course,is hypocrisy. For further information see: America s Health Future Act of 2009 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) Published by Michael Manford McGreer Related ContentWeight Control Health Care Consultant: What to Look forThe True Costs of Health CareCancer Health Care Consultants: What to Look forAre You Looking for a Government Job?Help with Choosing a Health Care ProviderCan Americans Adopt a Universal Health Care System?Where to Access the Best Health Care moncler Men Book blue Hoodies Spring Autumn Service for Elders in Philadelphia TakeawaysDid You KnowGovernment pays a portion of congressional health careClaims of Medicare cut unfoundedPublic option provides choice, drives cost down

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