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"Free market neo liberalism has created a tiny elite and turned the working class moncler parka jacket into losers with no power to control their lives. Monopoly capitalism has atomized us into a society of lonely consumers isolated from a big, monolithic, uncaring state." Old ideology has a new context. We are "living in a modern day version of serfdom, where the working classes and even the middle classes are living in dependency to the banks," warns Blond. Like the Tea Party, he is nostalgic about small government. He plans to break up big government and large enterprises into worker owned co operatives. Sure, Moncler yellow cowskin low Men Monaco Casual shoes it s idealistic but at least it channels anger into a political movement, something lacking on this side of the Atlantic. David Charbonneau is the owner of Trio Technical. You may then login using your account credentials for that service. If you do not already have an account you may register a new profile with Disqus by first clicking the "Post grey moncler jacket as" button and then the link: "Don t have one? Register a new profile". The Kamloops Daily News welcomes your opinions and comments. We do not allow personal attacks, offensive language or unsubstantiated allegations. We reserve the right to edit comments for length, style, legality and taste and reproduce them in print, electronic or otherwise. For further information, please contact the editor or publisher, or see our Terms and Conditions moncler coats women sale Conservatives want divided America Knoxville News Sentinel It s bizarre that much Republican sentiment in America today seems to denigrate the present conditions of American life. Do such sentiments merely hope to support an ideology widely seen as being conservative, miami heat jerseys to regain the political gains of recent years by the right? I am afraid that I see much social anguish in America that goes substantially untreated and the veneer of propriety obscures both want and deprivation and a quite unsettling alienation from a sense of social membership and loyalty. A century and a half ago, British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli warned of the creation of the "two nations," a British national community divided by both economic and cultural disparities. His alarm would be quickened, I think, by events in America where the vision of the "two Americas" looms ever more palpable. The danger here are obvious, as Paul Ryan s budget puts the burden on the backs of the poor, not to mention the 12 million Latinos, matters of equity aside. I think that conservatives run a grave risk in defying the evidence of history. Conservatives seem on the wrong side of this and certain other issues. Is it out of a horror for the creeping socialism that President George W. Bush resorted to as he drove the American dream into the ditch? Finally, do conservatives not acknowledge that the market economy, like every other social order knowable to humans, liberates some of us in some ways and enslaves some of us in other ways? If, as I think, the market turns out to be the only viable order, that would be no good reason either for rejoicing or for despair. What new forms of slavery and freedom can we expect from the continual mutation of capitalism? But we can expect more wealth. Why is the new pope urging protection of the poor and weak? Most "Collectivists" have no idea they are serfs serving their lords and masters. The clues should be that the only people the serfs can look down on are the successful and they spend all day defending their lords. Feudalism never really went away, it just rolled with changes and then took moncler vest kids a break for about a century following the Civil War. Now the collectivists are trying to bring it back with their "one size fits all" system that doesn t have a clue as to what freedom and liberty mean except that they can tell you what freedoms and liberties you can have. Most "Collectivists" have no idea they are serfs serving their lords and masters. The clues should be that the only people the serfs can look down on are the successful and they spend all day defending their lords. Feudalism never really went away, it just rolled with changes and then took a break for about a century following the Civil War. Now the collectivists are trying to bring it back with their "one size fits all" system that doesn t have a clue as to what freedom and liberty moncler hooded vest mean except that they can tell you what freedoms and liberties you can have. Perfect example of what I was talking about. BTW, "collectivists" have never had a "one size fits all" system to bring back in America because "collectivism" never really caught on in America. FDR managed to stave it, and fascism, off with a little emergency expansion of the American style socialism created by our Founders. A system created to keep us free from both an oppressive government and lords and monarchs. And another BTW, it s kind of hard to look down on the successful when most of us are successful. Conservatives do indeed want a divided America. Conservatives do indeed want a divided America.
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