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Centre to improve mental health launched New Delhi, nfl jerseys Sep 7 (IANS) To address gaps in mental health services and to promote research, capacity building and improving the quality moncler ladies jacket of life of the mentally disabled, a centre for excellence in mental health was launched here Friday. Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), supported by research moncler varsity jacket grant from National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), US, launched the centre, which will offer a platform for various mental health initiatives. "There is a huge gap between Moncler goose jackets Men adour Belt Collar deep green the burden and the availability Moncler down Jackets Men no hat sky blue of appropriate mental services in the country, hope the newly launched Centre for Mental Health will bridge this gap and it will Moncler Men and Women Hooded Glossy Zip Purple Vest scale up mental health care," Syeda Hameed, member, planning commission said. The centre will be a collaborative network of institutions moncler winter jacket women in south Asia, which will promote research, building capacity and advocacy for mental, neurological and substance use disorders. "PHFI has already recognised mental Moncler shiny thomas Men down jackets yellow health as one of the priority research areas and had constituted a Mental Health Special Interest Group four years ago. The new Centre of Excellence will further bolster this initiative," PHFI President K. Srinath Reddy said. mental healthCentre for Mental Healthmental health services Yahoo News Originals American History (Video) Photos of the day December 25, 2013 (gallery) 7 of 13 Most Popular Galleries of 2013: 2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest (gallery) Bomb attacks kills dozens in Baghdad (gallery) Pope Francis delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" (gallery) Justin Bieber retiring? Maybe yes, maybe no Christmas celebrated near and far (gallery) NYC mayor elect s daughter reveals drug abuse History of the Xmas selection boxes (gallery) Don t drive drunk, even moncler kids coats in a video game moncler children s coats Centre turns blind eye to eye care There are 13 crore visually challenged people in India because of uncorrected refractive error, nhl jerseys revealed a WHO report published in 2008. The same Moncler Kids Bazille e salopette down Jacket black report also found that the loss of productivity caused by eye problems costs the country $23 billion dollars (approximately Rs1,17,750 crore) annually. The problem stems from lack of qualified optometrists. "In India, the eye care market is potentially worth $30 moncler long jacket billion (approximately Rs 1,53,586 crore). "And, if there are enough quality optometrists, it will not only will it help the millions of people suffering from eye problems, but also benefit the economy," added Holden, who was recently in the country to help set up India Vision Institute to train quality optometrists. According to a study conducted by Country Family Health and Development Research Service Foundation, there were only 11,000 optometrists in the country in 2007. The figure has now increased to 21,000, but the ratio of optometrists to population is still poor. Optometry is fast gaining popularity as a profession in the country, observed Dr Harshvardhan Golpade, a consultant anterior segment surgeon at Fortis Hospital. a relatively comfortable profession as there are moncler clairy not many emergency surgeries. As the surgeries are not time consuming, you can end up doing several in one day," he said. But, there is another hurdle: Most optometrists prefer to practise in cities. The ratio of optometrists to population is 1:25,000 (1 optometrist for every 25,000 people) in urban areas, which is significantly better than the ratio in rural areas 1:2,50,000. Compare this to the ratio of optometrists to population in first world countries such as Australia and the US (1:6000) and the magnitude of the problem begins to emerge. "The Indian Moncler down jackets Men down with hooded Button sky red government has to step in and provide incentives to optometrists to work in rural areas," suggested Holden. Dr TP Lahane, dean of Grant Medical College at JJ Hospital, observed that lack of personnel is not the only problem in rural areas. "The technology and infrastructure in government hospitals and NGO run centres moncler kids online in rural areas are not very advanced. Most of the NGOs that get funding from the government to perform eye surgeries are concentrated in the urban centres. The government should ensure that they fund NGOs established in rural areas," he said. Besides lack of infrastructure, there is also a lack of awareness about eye problems, said Elizabeth Kurien, director of India region of Sightsavers, an international Moncler short padded coats Womensand eye care organisation). people think that blindness, low vision and cataract affect mostly the elderly and it cannot be reversed. This leads to the public health centres largely lacking an eye care professional, be it an ophthalmologist, an optometrist or a mid level personnel." But, the ground reality is Moncler eric Men down jackets no Hat black almost opposite. According to a study published in The Indian Journal of Opthalmology, there are around 2 lakh visually challenged children in India and most of these cases could have been avoided if there was adequate eye health services. Another study revealed that 60,000 children lose sight every year due to Vitamin A moncler kinder deficiency. government needs to develop sustainable eye health services as part of general healthcare within the public healthcare system," said Kurien
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