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Conservative Perspectives on Health Care Reform Contrary to popular opinion, nba jerseys conservatives do indeed believe there is a need for health care reform. If there is one thing upon which Republicans, Democrats, liberals and conservatives can agree, it is that the health care system in America is broken. The issue, then, is over what exactly is broken about it. Liberals generally believe the only way to fix the system is for government to operate it, the way Canada and the United Kingdom run their systems via "universal health care." Conservatives, on the other hand, disagree with this notion and contend that the American government is wholly unequipped to take on such a huge endeavor, and even if it were, the resulting bureaucracy would be terribly inefficient like most government programs. Conservatives aren t just naysayers, however. Conservatives staunchly oppose this idea on the grounds that regardless of what filmmaker Michael Moore says government run health care systems are notoriously slow, inefficient and costly. Before he was elected in 2008, President Barack Obama promised to save the "typical American family" $2,500 annually by reforming the insurance market and creating a "National Health Insurance Exchange." In his press releases, the president claims the Obama/Biden plan will "Make Health Insurance Work for People and Businesses Not Just Insurance and Drug Companies." The National Moncler Men stand collar T-shirt black Health Insurance Exchange is ostensibly modeled after the Congressional health benefits plan. The plan would allow employers to reduce their premiums by switching most of their employees over to the government program (of course non unionized workers would have no say in the matter at all). Because of (in many cases) preposterous court settlements that create a veritable lottery for plaintiffs MONCLER kelly baby Kids no Hat blue jackets seeking damages, liability insurance for health care providers is out of control. If doctors and other medical professionals want to continue to operate and generate a profit, they often have no choice but to charge exorbitant fees for their services, which are then passed along to the consumer s insurance company. Insurance companies in turn raise premiums on the consumers. Physician and consumer insurance plans constitute two of the culprits in the high cost of health care, but both are related directly what is happening in American courtrooms. When consumer insurance companies receive the bills for these high cost services, it is in their best interest to find reasons not to pay or reimburse the insured. In many cases, these companies are unable Moncler down jackets Men with Rabbit Hat coffee to successfully moncler miami avoid payment (because in most cases the services are medically necessary), so not only the consumer, but the insured consumer s employer experiences a rise in health care insurance premiums, as well. Bottom line: activist judges, seeking to drive home a point or make an example of a particular physician, combine to drive up the costs of Moncler ski Down Jacket Mens Sport no Hat zip blue Moncler down Vest Women hat button fuchsia red liability insurance, which in turn drives up the costs of health care insurance. Unfortunately, these problems with the health care system are compounded by an out of control pharmaceutical industry. When a pharmaceutical manufacturer makes an important discovery and successfully introduces a new medication into the health care market, the immediate demand men moncler jacket for that medication creates a disproportionate rise in cost. It s not enough for these manufacturers to make a profit, these manufacturers must make a killing (literally, when certain consumers are unable to afford the medication they need). There are pills that cost upwards of $100 each in the retail market, yet cost less than $10 per pill to manufacture. When the insurance companies receive the bill Moncler Coats Women Mid Length with Rabbit Hooded Leopard for these very expensive medications, it is in their nature to attempt to find a way to avoid absorbing those costs. Between exorbitant physician fees, exorbitant pharmaceutical fees and exorbitant health insurance fees, consumers often cannot afford the health care they need moncler vest jacket Conservative Supreme Court justices question health care law This artist rendering shows Paul Clement speaks in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, mlb jerseys Tuesday, March 27, 2012, as the court continued hearing arguments on the health care law signed by President Barack Obama. Justices, seated from left are, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, Chief Justice John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Samuel Alito and Elana Kagan. (AP Photo/)WASHINGTON Sharp questioning by the Supreme moncler sweater women Court s conservative justices cast serious doubt Tuesday on the survival of the individual insurance requirement at the heart of President Barack Obama s historic health care overhaul. Arguments at the high court focused on whether the mandate for virtually every American to have insurance "is a step beyond what our cases allow," in the words of Justice Anthony Kennedy. But Kennedy, who is often the swing vote on cases that divide the justices along ideological lines, also said moncler lissy he recognized the magnitude of the nation s health care problem and seemed to suggest that Fashion moncler Slipper brwon Cow Leather it would require a comprehensive solution. He and Chief Justice John Roberts emerged as the seemingly pivotal votes in the court s decision, due in June in the midst of a presidential election campaign that has focused in part on the new law. Republican candidates are strongly opposed. Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito appeared likely to join with Justice Clarence Thomas to vote to strike down the key provision of the overhaul. The four Democratic appointees seemed ready to vote to uphold it. The congressional requirement to buy health care insurance is the linchpin of the law s aim to get medical insurance to an additional 30 million people, at a reasonable cost to private insurers and state governments. Virtually every American will be affected by the court s decision on the law s constitutionality. And if so, could other mandates to buy broccoli, burial insurance and cellphones, for example be far behind? "Purchase insurance in this case, something else in the next case," moncler jackets for sale Roberts said. "If the government can do this, what else can it not do?" Scalia asked. citizens. At another point, however, he also acknowledged the complexity of resolving the issue of paying for America s health care needs. "I think it is true that if most questions in life are matters of degree. the young person who is uninsured is uniquely proximately very close to affecting the rates of insurance and the costs of providing medical care in a way that is not true in other industries. That s my concern in the case," Kennedy said. Roberts also Moncler Womens goose jackets ingres Hooded Belt black spoke about the uniqueness of health care, which almost everyone uses at some point. "Everybody is in this market, so that makes it very different than the market for cars or the other hypotheticals that you came up with, and all they re regulating is how you pay for it," Roberts said, paraphrasing the government s argument. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. sought to assure the court that the insurance mandate in the Patient moncler top Protection and Affordable Care Act that Obama signed into law two years ago is a key part of the law s goal of reaching many of the more than 40 million people who don t have health insurance through their employers, don t qualify for government aid and cannot afford to buy coverage on their own. Indeed, the law envisions that insurers will be able to accommodate older and sicker people without facing financial ruin because the insurance requirement will provide insurance companies with more premiums moncler mens wear from healthy people to cover their increased costs of care Paul Clement, a predecessor of Verrilli s who is representing Florida and 25 other states in challenging the law, called the mandate "an unprecedented effort by Congress." He said the requirement would force people, especially those who are young and healthy, to buy a product they don t want. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she found the debate over health care similar to an earlier age s debate about the Social Security retirement system. How could Congress be able to compel younger workers to contribute Moncler down jacket Men Hooded fur collar red to Social Security, but be limited in its ability to address health care? she wondered. Does it to have to be "a government takeover"? she asked. Clement acknowledged that a system of national health insurance might well be constitutional. Earlier, Scalia repeatedly pointed out that the federal government s powers are limited by the Constitution, with the rest left to the states and the people. "The argument there is that the people were left to decide whether to buy health insurance," Scalia said. Scalia and Roberts noted that the health care overhaul law would make people get insurance for things they may not need, like heart transplants or pregnancy services. "You can t say that everybody is going to participate in substance abuse services," Roberts said. On the other hand, Ginsburg said, "The people who don t participate in this market are making it more expensive for those who do."
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