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Cell Phone Radiation Debate Continues We heard numerous arguments to back up both sides of the cell phone radiation debate. Some research indicates they are safe, nfl jerseys others disagree. Now, a new study is fueling the argument that cell phones could cause serious side effects. According to a 10 year study from the World Health Organization (WHO), there a proven link between the long term use of a cell phone and increased risks for brain cancer and tumors. The study, headed by Dr. Elisabeth Cardis, shows an 18% increase in brain tumor development with long term cell phone usage. The United States did not participate in the Interphone study but Senator Tom Harkin, the head of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, has promised to look into the question of a link between cell phones and brain cancer. In an attempt to help make cell phones safer, there are companies that offer what known as a SAR Shield, which can attach to any cell phone and potentially reduces harmful radiation moncler mens jackets sale waves by upwards of 89%. The SAR Shield combines technology from the same material that used to shield Stealth Bombers from radar detection and telecommunications fields into a flexible sticker that no larger than the size of a nickel. This sticker absorbs the electromagnetic Moncler Mens goose down Hooded Dark gray jackets waves (radiation) emitted while your phone is in use. It currently the only tested and FCC approved device that been proven to lessen the specific absorption rate by upwards of 89%. SAR Shield pad next to BlackBerry, right SAR Shields sell for as little moncler site moncler gerard as $15. Based on tests from the ABC TV show 20/20, some of the country most popular cell phones can exceed the radiation limit. Values are measured in watts/kg. statistics, credit: CNet Reviews And if you were wondering where your beloved iPhone ranks, though Moncler Men goose down Hooded Black jackets it didn make the top 20 highest or lowest list, it all depends. First gen iPhones are somewhere in the middle at a SAR of.974, while 3G iPhones are near the top at 1.38, though the new iPhone 3GS is more middle of the pack at.79. Regardless of which argument Moncler Men down Jackets no hat dark blue you believe one thing is certain: the debate about cell phone safety will continue. Many experts say that it hard to predict the long term effects of cell phone radiation, especially since many people have only been using cell phones for the past five to ten years. Moncler down jackets button Men grey black I may be wrong, but isn thermographic a mesurement of temperature? So wouldn that picture just show the temps of the guys face after being on a phone? I sure anyones face would be warmer after holding a warm phone to their face for 15 minutes straight lol Hell just doing a face moncler Book gray white Hoodies Spring Autumn Men palm for 15 minutes would have the same effect. I don think that picture really proves anything. And at the rate of usage that people user cell phones anyway, I would thing there would be a TON of cases of tumors and cancer

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Cell Phone Radiation Made Healthy User Rating: / 0In my earlier articles I talked about how our sick house caused my husband s death from cancer and my former neurological problems. In Article 9, mlb jerseys the question is: Can Cell Phones be Made Safe and Even Healthy? This article discusses the health dangers from cell phones, whether you use one or not and how to protect yourself. Many other researchers now believe that cell phones could be the biggest barneys moncler health issue since tobacco. I believe that regular use of cell phones ranks right up there with geopathic stress. Both of these sources can and do cause life threatening diseases. It may just take a few years, so most people do not realize what is happening to them. ell phones are a source of unshielded microwave radiation and numerous studies correlate their use to health problems, including cancer. Similar to the dangers from second hand tobacco smoke, Moncler jackets sale down bea Belt Collar black whenever anyone uses a cell phone, the "second hand irradiation" extends up to 100 yards, so you are being adversely affected even if you do not own a cell phone! Dr. Carlo was originally hired by the cell phone industry to prove their safety, but that s not what he found and he has become the industry s whistle blower. Years ago he discovered and detailed in this book that cell phones do emit health destroying energies including moncler vest sale those that can damage our DNA. A recent Swedish study found that using a cell phone for only an hour a day increases your risk of getting a brain tumor by 240%. Other research has shown that brain cancer in children and young adults is up 26% from cell phones and that brain tumors are now the biggest cancer killer in children. In October 2009, the 10 year International Interphone study confirmed: "The Use of Mobile Phone Is Carcinogenic." A series of studies have Moncler for Womens jackets kellyfur Real fur collar grey consistently shown an increased risk of brain tumors among people who use cell phones for more than 10 years. This International Epidemiologic Research Study gathered 13 countries together for this study. The US did not participate. If you read any research reports, first look to see who is funding them. The research that has been funded by the cell phone industry has been spun to show the lowest risks. The independently funded research much more clearly moncler jackets for mens shows the cancer causing affects from using cell phones. Using an iPhone is even worse because they act as a base station, so you are getting even more radiation. My own research and testing is based on how our body actually reacts energy wise and instantly to whatever it is exposed to, including using a cell phone. When you are using a cell phone, your body is instantly weakened from the radiation and other toxic frequencies transmitted. These toxins then can be, and usually are, stored in your body. I think the best thing is for you to not take my word on this! Learn how to test your cell phone yourself or find a friend or practitioner to test you, so you can see how your body reacts and how effective any products Moncler HaoZi collars Women down coat long green are for you. As I mentioned in a previous article, the Vega testing techniques detailed in my book are much more accurate of what is really happening in and to your body. These testing details for cell phones start on page 246 in my book: Our Energetic Evolution in Healing: The Secrets to Surviving the Unseen Forces That are Killing You. I wanted to feel safe using a cell phone, so I also created a product to place on them that neutralizes the girls moncler coats toxicity before it has a chance to enter my body. These advanced testing techniques confirm that it is Effective and Well Tolerated. I now believe that carrying and using a cell phone that has been neutralized is healthier than not having a cell phone at all. This is because the product on the cell phone is almost as good as wearing one. It is protecting my body from all the other electromagnetic stresses I am being exposed to, such as from electricity, other people s cell phones and all wireless gadgets. I have heard from clients who had headaches daily from using cell phones and the headaches have now disappeared. I have seen seizures. My husband had them from his brain tumors and I was with him during all but one of them. They are a very scary thing to experience moncler men shoes with a complete sense of helplessness. So I know about seizures and I know about brain tumors and what they can do and I am still using my cell phone, now that it is neutralized. I can use a cell phone for hours and I don t feel or test for any negative effects. Without that protection, I would only use a cell phone for an emergency. I cannot and would not guarantee that people would not get a brain tumor if they used my product on their cell phone. The best I can say is that I am comfortable using them, even with what I know and as sensitive as my body is. In a future video series I will demonstrate how to test cell phones so you can see what they do to you and how to test to see which products work effectively to protect you

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