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Chicago s Clare Foundation by Moncler down Coats Men Hooded mid-length dark blue Patrick Hickey True Charity, nba jerseys or Love, cannot be legislated. Today, Catholics and most Christians are gulled toward a tendency to shrink from any analysis of how we live our lives, because it conflicts with the modern trend to allow government policy and politics to wash our motives. Some might whine,"Why take care of grandmother? That is the government s job." Or others harrumph, "People are starving! Ship some relief. Let s not tax ourselves with such issues, Oprah is on." Charity can often be mistaken for public relations. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, Hearst, DuPont and other 19th 20th Century corporate buccaneers built tombs of endowments that any pharaoh would envy Libraries, Universities, authentic moncler jackets Government Policy Centers, Public Television. True charity or love can not be purchased, aside from the more sordid exchange of goods and services, of course. Ubi Caritas. Where Charity and Love Prevail, there God is ever found. Charity is, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia the third Divine Virtue. The first two Virtues are Chastity and Temperance, the consideration of which makes me feel like I m wearing spun fiber glass long johns. We ll stick to Charity. Cherish God above all things everything. That is heavy lifting there but logical. If I cherish God above all things for His sake, I will cherish man (family, friends, and neighbors) for the sake of God. Catholic scholars have broken down charity by its components its origin, moncler ladies jackets its seat, its specific act, its motive and its range. The origin of charity said to be the Holy Spirit something poured forth from God and part of our evolutionary development like an appendix. Its seat is not found in our emotions as we might think it to be, but in our ability to reason. We know why Moncler T-shirt for Men red and blue fringes with dark green the starving blind little match girl shivering in the snow, or Ron Paul moves us to pity. Emotions do not spark charity or love any more than an episode of Jersey Shore compels us to Represent. Our reason tells us that it is better to not be a starving, shivering blind match girl. Charity s specific act is the reciprocal benevolence or friendship. I remember the first meeting of my daughter Clare and her BFFL Bridge Cullen in St. Cajetan Pre school. Bridgey saw Clare s Barbie lunch box "You like Barbie? I like Barbie! We re Friends!" The female Damon and Pythias mutually joined hands that remain locked though the Barbie lunch buckets are long gone. They share everything. Moncler rousseau Men down jackets brown red The motive of charity is tricky but easily understood. It is a paradox. You give not to get and always get more; though disappointments, pain, and loss accompany each act toward a greater good for its own sake. Weird. The full range of charity, the old Alpha and Omega stuff of Tommy Aquinas, is God and Man. God primarily and man secondarily, though fully determined and ended in the same spot. One acts with charity not because of what another man, or woman (though that is always sound policy to do exactly as she ordains) order, legislate or command, but because the origin, the grace infused in all men by the Holy Spirit, compels us to recognize and act accordingly. If you are still with me you are most charitable, moncler nyc soho but I can imagine few silent screams begging within those human hearts and heads, "Jesus Christ! Get on with it you stammering pedant!" Or more colorful words to that effect. Charity is what we are all about whether it is stuffing a few singles in the Salvation Army buckets in front of Dominick s, shoveling the drive way of an older couple down the block, not immediately calling someone a fat assed loser, or writing substantial checks over and above tuition and the Sunday drop to St. Barnabas, Mount Carmel, or giving regularly to the Special Olympics. Charity is the guy everyone on the block thinks is a bust out, but coaches 5th Grade football at St. Bede s. Charity is the couples who take in the kids of family that is having a very Moncler WoMen's Down Short Coats Red tough time for a few weeks, months, or years and raising them as their own. Charity is dropping by Little Company of Mary to see if old Mrs. Coogan could use something to read. Charity is every weekend at Bourbon Street, Gaelic Park, Jack Desmond s and Cork Kerry. Charity is every check in every amount that comes into Leo. I get substantial checks from family foundations two are named for places Ireland. One is a rock. The Cashel Foundation of the Higgins Cooney family from the north side of Chicago and Cape Cod MA has been helping Leo High School since 1995. The other named for the home County of Ireland s greatest geological phenomenon, County Clare, reflects the layers of rock that is Burren layer upon layer of sedimentary bedrock producing Moncler Kids ensamble polaire bebe Zip Pale yellow jackets magnificent flowers and wild landscapes. Beautiful to behold, if you are not starving to death. The Clare Foundation reflects upon the family bourn from that beautiful and desolate landscape, like all of the immigrants we be, by hope for a better life. As Granny Hickey told us when we asked why she would leave such a beautiful place as Kerry, "You can t eat scenery." Very few people came, or still come to America, with pockets full of loot, much less a full belly. They have had enough of doing without and found themselves in the same boat as others. Jews starve as well as any Mayo culchie and any Pueblano or Chilangro can be as lonely arriving at O Hare as any simpatico Corkwegian; I heard one say, Them Black fellas had a worse crossing than Annie Moore, because your lass lacked a stout set of chains on her. Here we are and what do we do now? We, all of us, seem to have a made better lives here in the Nifty Fifty. We had help. The Clare Foundation is a reflection of true charity. The Enrights and Davorans came from the Kilkee/Kilrush area in the West County Clare region above the Shannon Estuary and just south of the Cliffs of Moher. Like Island Kerry, the place is beautiful with enough to eat. Kenneth Enright was south sider and then some. Kenneth attended no less than five Catholic high schools justifying the saw "merry hearted boys make the best of old men." Ken Enright must have been a delight to host in classroom stuffed with like minded miscreants. Mr. Enright briefly attended Leo High School, in age when corporal punishment was king. The Enrights, and most of us southern urbanites, jumped from parish to parish St. Gabe s to John of God to St. Leo to Sabina to Christ the King or St. Barnabas and settled in the Beverly/Morgan Park area. Ken Enright operated a billboard advertising company. Mr. Enright and his family were blessed by God and hard, steady work. In 1985, Ken Enright established a private grant making family foundation with its stated mission To Enable Those Without Means to Have an Opportunity. The Clare Foundation is rooted in this remembrance. For many years, the Clare Foundation has provided grants for financial assistance based upon need alone to Leo High School. The very school that Ken Enright briefly attended. Young gents do not need to worry about meeting the costs of an education, because Ken Enright enabled a chance. This is true charity. The Enrights do not personally know Hakim, James, Lewis, or Tobias. In fact all four eat lunch where the Enright Family once attended mass in the over flow Chapel of St. Leo now our cafeteria. The chandelier that hung over the altar is now the center piece of this big noisy room and the stained glass windows still honor Our Lady. Beneath that ornate antique light fixture and within the stained glass, the young men that Kenneth Enright thought of, long before their births and his return to Christ in 2002. The Enrights, The Clare Foundation and so many other like minded people initiated this fiery community activism and did not need to curry up legislation. Charity can not be legislated. Charity is lived

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