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Changing Attitudes to Mental Health The idea was that the afflicted person was being taken over by the evil spirits which needed to be removed. This practice was known as Demonology. Gradually as time went on people began to realise that their theological beliefs perhaps were not accurate and the trend moved towards a more moncler coats women sale scientific method of treating the insane. However, nfl jerseys limited medical knowledge unfortunately lead to inappropriate treatment of the mentally ill for many more years to come. St Mary of Bethlehem Hospital was a former priory, which came under the control of the City of London in 1547. It had begun treating the mentally ill in the fourteenth century, although the treatments were not particularly effective Moncler Coats Collar Women with belts Mid-Length purple and the affected were kept chained up. Later the hospital became exclusively for the treatment of the mentally ill and was the UK s first public institution for the mentally ill. "Bedlam", as it became later known, set the trend for mental institutions in the UK until the late 20th century. The AsylumsThe motive of the asylums was to contain the mentally ill in large sites away from the public. moncler outlet official site Unfortunately anyone who was socially unacceptable could be placed into an asylum. This meant that those with misunderstood conditions such as epilepsy would be locked away without proper care or understanding, along with prostitutes and drunks. People were all kept together in the massive hospitals under lock and key living strictly regulated lives governed by rules and regulations. This lead to the phenomenon known as institutionalization. Moncler Men T-shirt color pure white In 1796 a Quaker called William Tuke opened the York Retreat which was a pioneering new kind of mental institution. Here the inmates were not kept in restraints but instead were treated humanely and given Moncler fashion Men down jackets orange activities to occupy them. This new approach became known as the Moral Approach. However Tuke s ideals took a long time to take hold. In 1831 Williams Ellis opened the Hanwell Asylum in Middelsex which took on Tuke s ideas and used "moral therapies" and "therapeutic employment". The results were very clear to see and soon the humane treatment was echoed in other institutions. Robert Gardener Hill, a moncler sizing doctor from Lincolnshire, developed a mode of treatment where physical restraint could be abandoned altogether he hoped. Gradually the treatment of the mentally ill became more and more humane as medical knowledge improved but it was a long and slow process. Unfortunately some pioneering doctors believing they had unlocked the key to mental illness caused more damage than good with treatments such as lobotomies and electric shock cheap moncler outlet uk therapy, although at the time they believed that what they were doing was for the good of the patient. In 1990 the issue was finally addressed once and for all with the Care in the Community Act. Although the asylums had begun to close as early as the 1980s as the effects of institutionalization became understood, it took until the early 21st century for some of the last asylums to finally shut down. Modern TreatmentThese days mental illness is much more understood, and although still subject to some stigma, is much more recognised in the modern world. One in four people will be affected by a mental illness at some point in their lives. Conditions are widely understood and manifold treatments exist ranging from medications to cognitive behavioural therapy and the success rate is high. Although many of these conditions are incurable, medical understanding has reached a point where they can be managed effectively. Therefore a person with mental illness can, with support and advice, live a perfectly normal life. Although there is still the occasional cause to have a person sectioned for their own or others safety, it is very rare and sadly much hyped by the media. The changing attitudes towards mental health have changed the way that the mentally ill are treated and I believe that these changing attitudes have contributed to the successes of treatments and therapies for mental illness. I feel that the more medical understanding we have about the causes of mental illness, the greater understanding of the different conditions and therefore the better the care provision. Dedicated mental health nurses are now trained and the mentally ill are treated in their own communities instead of being locked away out of sight. This change in my opinion is clearly for the better. Counselling is a relationship moncler prices between two people whereby the individual is valued and allowed to be themselves. What needs to occur to allow this to happen

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Text and images are provided by National Palace Museum