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Cruising into the Central American past It hard to women moncler coat compete with Bingo. Especially on a cruise ship. For us, nba jerseys illustrated lectures about upcoming countries and ports are just as important as evening entertainment and fine dining. But on a recent cruise to Central America the always popular Bingo games seemed to coincide with the fascinating lectures by Jim Forrester, an historian from Hamilton, Ont. Forrester just shrugged his shoulders and said, life, as he enthusiastically presented his illustrated talks about Central America to the couple of dozen guests who appreciated his knowledge of the history and geography of Honduras, Guatemala and Belize. We chose the Norwegian Pearl for the cruise out of Miami mainly because its itinerary was not the usual Caribbean circuit of tropical islands with endless jewellery stores and souvenir shops. Professor Forrester was particularly enthusiastic about our stop at Belize City, the largest community in the country formerly known as British Honduras. Belize is the only English speaking country in Central or South America. British took over a coastal pirate hideout in the mid 1600s, Forrester said. used the town as a base Moncler MAYA Men Down Jackets Dark blue doudoune to send mahogany and other precious wood overseas and it grew into a major port. Compared with Honduras, the country is quite prosperous and children are well fed and well educated. cruise ship passengers joined us for a 50 km bus ride to the remarkable grey moncler jacket ruins at Altun Ha. Altun Ha became famous in 1968 when Canadian archaeologist Dr. David Pendergast discovered a jaede head in a tomb. Now known to represent the Mayan Sun God, the jade head is valued at $60 million and is locked in a bank vault in Belize City. Our guide, Ken, who takes pride in being 90 per moncler cap cent Mayan, told us that the Jade moncler uk online shop Head will likely never be displayed for the public. are terrified it will be stolen, he said. VIPs have seen it. at Altun Ha, there is a lot to be seen as excavation continues around a plaza and thirteen remarkable Moncler Mens jackets Plaid hooded Zip White cell structures have been unearthed, the tallest moncler spring jacket of which is the 20 metre Temple of Masonry Altar. A steep, single staircase leads to the top of the alter where major religious ceremonies took place. all Mayan communities, the higher the building the closer you are to the gods, Ken told us. this site is unique. There is evidence of animal sacrifice here but none that shows human sacrifice. Maybe people were happy and felt no need to sacrifice humans. We just don know. on the Norwegian Pearl, Hotel Manager, Dallas Easterley, gives much of the credit for the line cruise to Executive Chef Neil Allem moncler online store of Toronto. Norwegian Cruise Line generally attracts middle class families or those on a modest budget. But it compares very favourably with the higher end lines. We were impressed not only by the Central America itinerary but by the attention to detail on the ship. We just not sure about the Bingo

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Crumbling Health Insurance Industry America s healthcare has been at center stage in national politics. The move towards a national health insurance has met resistance from across the nation. The answer is not in nationalizing Moncler down Vest Women button hat purple health care but instead to abolish the health insurance system all together. There is no need for the health insurance industry when hospitals can fill the gap themselves. First, nhl jerseys the purpose of health insurance needs to be examined. Many would say it is to make healthcare affordable. This would be true if health insurance covered all moncler outlet store usa expenses or covered every procedure. The truth is that insurances need to make a profit at the expense of people s health and try to cut expenses at every opportunity. Every business does the same thing in their own industry, but in the health industry, this means people still have Moncler Men classic T-shirt color pure white to pay for some procedures or doctor visits out of their pocket even though they pay their health insurance premiums every month. The current setup of how health insurance is obtained also needs to be reviewed. Most Americans have health insurance through their place of employment. Once the employee is fired or quits, they lose their health insurance moncler coats kids with the company. There are ways to keep it, but the premiums are raised and it is only a temporary extension. A new job is the only way to guarantee continued health coverage. Fashion Moncler Down Men Vest black with hat So all the money the employee paid into their health insurance is gone and may or may not have ever been used. Problems like the two listed above show reason to change or abolish health insurance as it is today. Abolition of the whole system is possible if hospitals would set up their own internal insurance. The need for profit would be less of a problem and the new system would be easy to implement. moncler jackets cheap deal Hospitals already have a system to help people manage the cost of healthcare in the form of monthly payments setup by the hospital and patients. Now imagine if the billions of dollars going into the health insurance industry were instead being funneled into the navy moncler jacket actual healthcare industry. Hospitals would have another source of revenue and the cost to the public could be lowered without the need to have insurance salesman who make commissions off insurance premiums. Patients would be able to sign up for their insurance at the hospital itself and would not have to worry about what doctors their insurance covered because the hospital would moncler factory outlet cover all their doctors. Instead of business men deciding whether or not you can have a surgery, a board of doctors or medical professionals who understand what is needed for the patient could make the decision. The health insurance industry needs reform if it is going to continue to be a productive part of the American economy. Even with reform, America needs to really look at the health insurance agency and decide if it is really worth the trouble of having. Published by Amish Midget I am the proud father of a beautiful baby girl and married to a loving, supportive wife. I earned a Bachelors in History at Marshall University. View profile

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Text and images are provided by National Palace Museum