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Councils eye public health funds Public health directors are currently employed by primary care trusts. But councils have been lobbying in meetings with civil servants and ministers as well as through a formal consultation for the money not to be reserved. It comes after local government was one of the worst hits areas of the public sector in the recent spending review. Funding from central government is due to fall from 29.7bn to 24.2bn over the next moncler buy four years, mlb jerseys a cut of more than a quarter once inflation is taken into account. Continue reading the main story Quote We know the strain councils are under, but I think most public health directors would say it is right that the money is ring fenced, certainly Moncler Women down Short Collar with Zip purple Jackets Moncler Mens classic T-shirt wiht color black in the short term. It has also claimed that since much of the public health agenda cuts across council departments for example public health directors Moncler Men stand collar blue T-shirt red white stripe work with highways and planning over things such as cycle networks and Moncler Women down Short Hooded Waist Black jackets with schools over issues such as school meals and healthy lifestyle promotion it could be counter productive to set aside a specific pot. Councillor David Rogers, chairman of the LGA community well being board, said: "Far from protecting resources for public health, a ring fence may have the reverse effect and be viewed as the total amount of money which should be spent on making people healthier. "Public health needs to be at the heart of what all councils do and not seen as a separate function." He added councils moncler on sale online were "fully committed" to tackling public health problems, but said they needed "financial freedom" to decide what was in their residents interests. He said the LGA would continue putting its case even if the white paper proposes the ring fencing which currently amounts to just under 4% of the NHS 104bn budget. Dr Frank moncler tshirt Atherton, president of the Association of Directors of Public Health, said he understood the position local government was taking. "We know the strain councils are under, but I think most public health directors would say it is right that moncler black jacket the money is ring fenced, certainly in the short term. Otherwise the temptation for councils would be to shore up their existing budgets." BBC links Mobile siteTerms of UseAbout the BBC Advertise With UsPrivacyAccessibility Help Ad ChoicesCookiesContact the BBC Parental Guidance BBC 2013 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read more. This page is best viewed in an up to date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets (CSS) if you are able to do so

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