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Could someone walk me through downloading and burning ubuntu Search google for Shipit Ubuntu / Kubuntu or whichever Moncler Womens jackets down bady Collar Hooded dark grey version u want. Select the free download ISO Disc Image option OR Request a free installation disc (Please note that it may take upto 4 months for them to ship the free Discs depending on where u live) Also if u Request a CD from shipit it at Ubuntu u can also then go to Shipit at Kubuntu and request CD s from there and u use the moncler sweaters same login so they will all be sent in 1 package. i usually order from all the shipit sites and get a pack moncler kids coats of about 20 versions :) If u are new to Linux (Which im guessing u proberbly are since ur having to ask how to burn an ISO disc and how to install Linux) Then i strongly reccomend using Kubuntu. Kubuntu is proberbly the most "Windows Like" version of Linux (Atleast as far as ive seen) but of course it doesnt run like crap ;) the basic menus and setup are moncler ladies jacket similar to windows so it will be nice n easy for u to find your way around it :) If u choose do download the disc image then u will need a Blank CD/DVD. I Assume u already have a CD/DVD Burner. Go to this website and follow the instructions on how to create an ISO Disc (It will walk you through making a bootable disc rather than just burning the image as a data file)If they do not half a walk through for ur burning software send me a private message and ill walk u through the process myself. Or u can search google for one that they have (Nero is not a free burning tool) Once your Disc is created reboot the computer and enter the bios (F2 on Logo/Boot screen) This is where u see all the RAM and devices on startup. Moncler goose jackets Men adour Belt Collar deep green In the Bios look for Boot Sequence. I cant tell u exactly where it will be as every computer is differant (More of every make n model) Set the boot sequence to CDROM, jerseys C, A (If it is a horizontal list simply look for ur CDROM Drive and move it to the top of the list) Before exiting the Bios configuration screen, open the CDROM Drive and put the bootable Linux Disc in. Now Exit and Save Changes, the computer will automaticly restart. Moncler Women goose coats maillol Real fur collar grey Keep a lookout for anything that says "Pres any key to boot from CDROM) Some computers ask u to press a key some dont if not then the CD will automaticly boot and u will be given a screen with several options (If u use anything like ubuntu/kubuntu/anything similar) Select Install and press enter. It may take a while Moncler Women down coats no hat Belt Lapel Black to load. After it has loaded u will be given an onscreen installation wizard (This is only with ubuntu/kubuntu/edubuntu Gutsy Gibbon) If u use an older version it will boot as a Live CD (This may take qwite a while as it scans the CD as if it was a hard drive) once loaded onto the desktop click on the "Install" icon. The installation wizard will start and just follow the on screen instructions. A lil advice, if it asks what size u want the swap Moncler shiny thomas Men down jackets yellow partition as make it atleast 4.4GB s in size. For the main partition i reccomend atleast 10GB and if u want to keep storage partitions seperate then any size will do. Hope this helps and Good Luck with ur future Linux system :) Ah ha. well then there is no problem in getting the installation software. the only question is. how smaller OS are we talking? i have about 30 diff versions that ive burned sizes between 32MB to about 600MB. If you want one that can be used both as a Live CD and an installtion CD Then there is none that i know of that are good for both. PLoP Live CD is good as a LiveCD but cannot be installed. Kubuntu (I use this) is the best for installing if your still fairly new to the command line. however i do hear that Knoppix is qwite good but have never personally tried this. but from what i have seen in screenshots its more of a Debian Style so a lil harder to get round the Kubuntu at 1st till you get used to it :)

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Could Speed Antibiotic Discovery 20 (HealthDay News) Moncler eric Men down jackets no Hat black Scientists say they ve found a quicker way to analyze chemicals with bacteria killing abilities in an advance they hope will speed the development of new antibiotics. With bacterial infections becoming increasingly resistant to existing antibiotics, nfl jerseys new drug development is crucial, according to Dr. Stuart Levy, president of the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics. "There s a real need for moncler outlet uk online new antibiotics," said Levy, a professor at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston who was not involved in the new study. There are still questions about the novel testing method described in the study, according to Levy, "but it s a step in the right direction." The approach, detailed in the Sept. 16 20 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, could make it simpler for researchers to figure out how a bacteria killing chemical works. That Moncler down Vest Women hat button purple s important because many compounds are capable of knocking off the bugs, but drug developers need to know the "mechanism of action," baby moncler jackets explained Joseph Pogliano, the senior researcher on the new study and a microbiology professor at the University of California, San Diego. As it stands, drug companies have a huge number of chemicals they can scour to find ones that kill bacteria. And out of millions of moncler long jacket compounds, there maybe tens of thousands that slay the bugs. "It s actually pretty easy to find compounds that can kill bacteria," Pogliano said. What s difficult and time Moncler T-shirt for Men red and blue fringes with black consuming, he added, is analyzing those chemicals "mechanism of action." Researchers need to know that, in part, so they can narrow the field to compounds that are likely to kill bacteria without hurting patients. And still another reason, according to Pogliano, relates to the problem of antibiotic resistance. "Bacteria are becoming resistant to the drugs we have," he said, "so we need compounds that work by new mechanisms of action." The current approach to uncovering mechanism of action involves multiple tests, and can take months, Pogliano said. The method his team developed takes two hours and works like an "autopsy" of a bacterial cell. The researchers used what s called a high resolution fluorescence microscope to examine cells killed off by a given antibiotic compound, and then determined the likely cause of death. "It s one test where we can look at the cells and say they died of this mechanism," Pogliano said. "It s like a pathology report on a (deceased) person." The findings come at a time when the problem of antibiotic resistance is getting heightened attention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report Monday saying that more than 2 million Americans fall ill with antibiotic resistant bacterial infections each year. At least 23,000 of those people die, the agency said. Experts have long been aware of the threat that antibiotic resistant infections pose, Levy said. "But the CDC report finally puts some real numbers on it," he added. Whether this new testing method can speed new drug development or, ultimately, make a dent in the problem of drug resistance remains to be seen, according to Levy. It s unclear, for example, what the cost would be, he said. Pogliano has founded a company, Linnaeus Bioscience, that holds a license to the technology. He said the company is already using the technology to try to find new compounds that kill antibiotic resistant bacteria. Another expert not involved in the study said it remains to be seen whether the technology actually does speed new drug development. "The extent to which it will be useful depends on where the bottleneck in development really is," said Dr. Henry Chambers, chairman of the Antimicrobial Resistance Committee of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. In the real world, the process of screening candidate antibiotics Moncler jackets for Mens long down coat Black may not be what s causing the big delay, Chambers noted. It could be, for example, more of an "economic problem." "If drug companies don t want to develop antibiotics because it s not profitable, then this screening approach wouldn t address that," Chambers said. And regardless of whether and when new antibiotics emerge, everyone agrees that proper use of the drugs will always be key. According to the CDC, antibiotic overuse and misuse are the biggest factors driving the problem of drug resistance. Up to half of all antibiotic prescriptions Moncler short padded coats Womensand are either unnecessary or not the best treatment choice for the patient, the agency said in its report. "Just inventing new drugs is not going to solve the problem," Chambers said. CDC officials stressed that antibiotics are not the answer for every ill; they are useless, for example, against viral infections, like the common cold. 16 20, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, online

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