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Course detail and module information Stage 1You will gain familiarity with the complexity moncler junior of some key concepts of the Moncler Men down jackets with Rabbit Hat black subject, nba jerseys studying the history of Britain and Europe from c.1500 to the present day, the history of the American colonies and the United States, world history and imperialism from c.1750, and the theme of revolutions and revolutionaries in history.In the first year of the programme, you will study six modules which are designed to give you a grounding in historical methodology and practical skills, as well as broad developments in world, US, European moncler jumpers men and British history.You will study:Survey modules chronologically basedlong sweeps of historybroad outlines of continuity and changeHistorical concepts ideas behind the writing of historyphilosophies and ideologies the main concepts and theories of British and European politics and understand Moncler Down Jacket Men Black Hooded Zip questions like what is politics? what is power? and what is a political system?Stage 2You can choose from modules covering early modern Britain; the European moncler padded jacket mens moncler jacket sale Reformations; 20th century US society; imperialism and decolonisation; the history of art; modern Britain and Europe; the cold war and international politics.You will try out oral, visual and archival research in history, by undertaking Moncler Women down jacket big neck black interviews with living witnesses, examining visual sources and delving into printed original sources.You will have the opportunity of studying in the USA, for one year or for one semester. This is more affordable than most students expect!Topics include Britain and the EU, modern liberal democracies, political analysis and strategy and public policyStage 3 will work personally with one of our expert historians in their area of specialism, such as: World War II; America and the UN; European integration; Women and in Tudor England; The French Wars of Religion; Japanese history; Family, sex and society in early modern Britain; Slavery and abolition; German ; the US Civil Rights movement; Modern Ireland; Modern India; the British Empire.You will also work one to one with a tutor to research and write your own independent study, based on original research with primary sources. While you will benefit from the expertise and knowledge of your advisor, the topic will be one that you have chosen and identified yourself options include Moncler nible Womens Glossy Casual tall purple Boots the EU, the new politics of East/Central Europe, British politics, Third World politics, comparative politics, public choice, local government, electoral behaviour and sub state nationalism

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Text and images are provided by National Palace Museum