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Culture and Politics in the USA Gun ownership is a major political issue in the United States of America. Gun Control advocates push for stricter laws limiting citizens access to firearms. Gun Rights advocates resist these measures, nhl jerseys citing the citizens right to keep and bear arms . The issue moncler mens jackets sale is terribly contentious and complicated, and this entry will only attempt to outline the main points on both sides. We will certainly not attempt to take sides or to show why any point of view is correct or incorrect . Throughout the entry, we will use the terms gun control and gun rights to refer to the two sides of the debate. Gun control advocates might refer to gun rights advocates as gun nuts , and gun rights advocates sometimes refer to gun control advocates as gun grabbers , but we will defer to each group s right to choose its own name. North America was taken from the native inhabitants and whittled from a wilderness into a post post industrial behemoth, largely by means of guns. From frontiersmen such as Davey Crockett to wild west gunslingers like Wyatt Earp, citizens experienced in the use of firearms figure largely in American history and myth. Perhaps most importantly, Americans remember the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord, and the famous Shot heard round the world . America s independence was won from the British in the 1770s, largely with privately owned guns. There wasn t really a US Army Moncler nible Womens Glossy Casual tall purple Boots at the time of the Revolutionary War, because there wasn t a US. What moncler outlet roma existed were state militias, comprised of volunteers from each state, and they were commanded as one army by General Washington1. The same General Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention in 1789, in which the US Constitution, the document incorporating 13 independent states into one nation, was written. A Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution directly after the convention, and this document outlined the moncler junior basic rights of citizens of the US: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Reiligion, Freedom of the Press, Moncler Men yellow and purple stripes all of wool Sweater Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure,. freedom to own guns. Amendment II: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The language of this amendment isn t the clearest one could hope for. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, is sort of a dangling participle. It seems that pepole are supposed to bear arms so that they can Moncler sable Womens jackets Lapel Zip black serve in a well regulated milita, but that connection isn t fleshed out. How are these arm bearing people to be well regulated? If the country ends up with a peace time standing army (as it currently has), and the State Militias are made obsolete (as many will say they currently are), does that then change the status of the people s right to arm themselves? [This section has to be here, as much of the public debate focuses of the role of guns in crime commission and prevention. The argument can be presented on both sides, and then there Moncler down Vest Women hat button dark blue should be a short bit on why this issue doesn t get to the heart of the matter.] The Use of Guns to Commit Crimes The Use of Guns to Prevent Crimes Beyond Gun Crime Security and Freedom [This section is about how gun laws are ultimately an emotional issue, that push the buttons relating to how people view American culture. The issues raised in this section trump the drier, statistical issues in the above section, for people on both sides.] Gun Control at an Emotional Level [Gun control advocates crave the security of a well ordered society in which a strong, pervasive government provides protection against crimes. They trust the government to maintain an orderly society more than they trust society to order itself when left to its own devices. They desire the freedom from having to worry about defending themselves against their fellow citizens.] Gun Rights at an Emotional Level [Gun rights advocates also value security and freedom. Not trusting the government to provide them and their loved ones with security, they feel the best course is to take that job into their own hands. Guns also make them feel secure against the government, which they fundamentally mistrust. Guns, although not merely symbolic, are a symbol of that power.] Some quotes I ll maybe use: During the debate over ratification of the Constitution, federalist Noah Webster assured America: Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States The first words of America s national existence, the Declaration of Independence, assert a natural right to overthrow a tyrant by force.[To accept Kleck s viewpoint is to] embrace a society based on an internal as well as an external balance of terror. The social order is seen to rest adequately on masses of potential victims using the threat of gun violence against masses of potential armed criminals. [The] spectacle is one that ought to disgust rather than cheer the civilized observer. H Laurence Ross Though I have no doubt exceptions can be brought forward, I think the following rule would be generally moncler london true: that in ages when the dominant weapon is cheap and simple, the common people will have a chance. George Orwell Gun control, whatever its symbolic benefits, distracts the public and the legislature from the more difficult tasks of taking better care of the mentally ill, of confronting the culture of poverty, and of imprisoning violent criminals for lengthy terms

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culture depression thirdworld Recently I had an interesting online conversation with a friend in Nepal. My friend moncler price comes from an ordinary background by Nepalese standards, nhl jerseys has never left the country, and is certainly not one of the elite. We had a discussion about stress he had a hard time grasping the whole concept of how people in rich countries suffer so much because of stress. One of a few things may be true, and I m not sure which. So some input with people of experience of this may be helpful. Either people in the Third World (or particular cultures) are much much less prone to mental health issues we have in the West, such as stress and depression, because their culture is so utterly Moncler for Womens jackets kellyfur Real fur collar grey different and because so many people are focused on just day to day survival. (In much the same way as we don t boys moncler coat get malaria or bilharzia the cultural environment is as different as the physical environment). Or health care in countries such as Nepal is at a much lower level, so people suffer the same mental health issues but they go largely untreated. Or possibly, what I suspect, being human they have many mental health problems of their own, but the cultural difference means they are manifested in a different way. I believe, for instance, that in rural Nepal, because of the civil war, many people suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. The way this is manifested may be different due to cultural differences, and also may well go untreated as physical survival takes priority over mental health care. Anyone have any experience of this? How do mental health issues differ across different countries in the developing world? posted by plep to society culture (7 answers total) 1 not developing world, but here in chile the middle class (and presumably upper class too) seem much more likely to go see psychiatrists than in the uk. my impression is it s much closer to the us style. 2 in the book i m currently reading the tangled wing konner describes one culture (bali, iirc) where showing "negative" emotion is Moncler down jackets Women with Hat purple pretty much taboo. a woman is criticised for being upset on hearing of the death of her partner, and later praised for changing behaviour and smiling and joking. the point being that the praise reflects the communal recognition that what she did was difficult. in other words, emotions tend to be universal (a central theme of the book), but how they are expressed within a culture will, of course, vary widely. further, i would have thought that stress is a very basic human response, associated with physical changes in the primitive part of the brain (related to fight/flight, etc). with that kind of definition, it would not just be universal to humans, but also to mammals and probably other moncler gerard vest aimals too (depending on just how "low level" in the brain such changes occur). so i go with your third "Or". posted by andrew cooke at 8:25 AM on June 20, 2004 This article makes the suggestion that, often, ailments treated as physical problems in a developing country may be treated as psychological cases in first world countries. Since it appears that most depression is accompanied by physical symptoms (or vice versa), it brings up interesting chicken and egg questions about the nature of somatic versus psychic pain, and where the two overlap. It may be that the discrepancy is largely a question of labeling, wherein a patient in one culture is treated for headache and stomach pain (with resultant stress/depression), while in another culture a patient with similar symptoms is treated for depression (accompanied by resultant headache and stomach pain). posted by taz at 9:56 AM on June 20, 2004 I ve no real knowledge of this area, so you ll have to excuse my ill informed ramblings. I m of the opinion that a lot of the stress pressure mental ilnesses prevalant in our modern society is caused by the following an overabundance of choice. Unattainable lifestyles, popularity beauty as popularised by our media. The latter of these is a well known subject, so I won t go into too much detail, but it s possible that poor nepalese are going to experience less of this media driven consumer orientated pressure than the rest of us. An overabundance of choice is harder for me to comment on, but (I think) more interesting. I ve only read a couple of pieces on this subject, but there seems to be a growing concensus that the more choice people are given (blue, or green, or yellow, or white, or pink or I DON T KNOW. SHUT UP.), the more it affects them mentally. Again, poverty would preclude choice, and possibly increase happiness levels. On a more useful note, there was a new scientist article on happiness (happy people are less likely to go mad) that may answer your questions. It s subscription based (free seven day trial) though (boo). There s also the possibility that our modern western society finds crazy people harder to deal with than other places. Certainly, when I was younger, the village I lived near contained dealt with many characters who (now) would be committed. posted by seanyboy at 9:57 AM on June 20, 2004 Some aspects moncler uk online store of physical lifestyle have a big impact on brain chemistry. moncler vanoise Overstress/anxiety/depression have all been linked to decreased dopamine serotonin levels. Some aspects of Western life that effect these levels are lack of sunlight, lack of exercise or activity (as well as sleep), and dietary issues such as fatty acid imbalances and excessive sugar. Also, the chemicals we eat and breathe are quite different in the West, and there is more and more research pointing toward artificial colorings and other man made chemicals having a negative impact on brain chemistry, especially in children. The fact that Nepalese may have a lifestyle that necessitates a much greater Moncler Bady quilted hooded down jacket Orange level of daily physical activity, includes far less time spent indoors, and has a diet largely devoid of petroleum based colorings weird fake fatty acids (the brain is mostly made from fatty acids, so a lack of them makes it harder for the brain to repair itself) may have an effect on their succeptibility to brain chemical imbalances. I also imagine that meditation is a more effective "mental health excercise" than watching TV, which seems to be the Western equivalent (assuming Nepalese Buddhism here)

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