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Cronut burger stand shut for health inspection as CNE probes illnesses TORONTO Toronto Public Health is investigating and the food stand that serves up the headline grabbing cronut burger remains voluntarily closed after 34 people claimed they got sick eating at the Canadian National Exhibition. Of those who seem to have swallowed more than they bargained for, nfl jerseys 12 were treated by paramedics at the CNE Tuesday night and five were taken to the hospital with food poisoning symptoms. Toronto Public Health (TPH) officials can Moncler Men grey sport long Pants t say that the cronut burger is the culprit. But many of those who did fall ill confirmed they ate a cronut burger a beef patty, a slice of processed cheese, a bun Moncler quincy Women down jackets khaki Moncler Aliso Women down jackets Leading wind dark red of two cronuts (a cross between a donut and croissant) and a dollop of maple bacon jam on top. Dr. Lisa Berger, associate medical officer at TPH, said health officials were investigating one food vendor cronut burger maker Epic Burgers and Waffles. Food samples taken from the eatery are due to come back from the lab within 72 hours. The food booth will remain voluntarily closed for the time being, health moncler handbags officials confirmed. "At this point in our investigation we cannot confirm the food source," Berger said Wednesday. "We are investigating the cronut cheapest moncler jackets burger, we are investigating various other food items there and we can t confirm right now." Berger said by around noon Wednesday, 34 people had reported Moncler TIB Vest Men Black moncler jackets sale symptoms of foodborne illness related to the CNE. TPH said the CNE had ordered Epic Burgers to close Tuesday night as reports came in from sick CNE visitors. According to the city Moncler Vosges Fitted Down Jackets Blue s DineSafe website, the restaurant passed a health inspection on Aug. 16. "But I want to reiterate that that is only the very beginning of our investigation and we have no confirmation that that s the premise where the persons got sick and we are continuing our investigation," Berger said

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Text and images are provided by National Palace Museum