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Cattle Brand Art Projects You moncler factory outlet ve seen them in old western movies and maybe in person if you happen to be in cattle country. Huge arching entryways Moncler Menspring Autumn Jackets cream-colored emblazoned with the ranch name and the cattle brand the ranch uses can be spotted long before Moncler Men stand collar T-shirt black you leave the main road. Sometimes all you see is the brand along with a mounted pair of cattle horns. The wooden Moncler down Mens jacket red garonne Collar pocket entryways are sometimes elaborately carved, jerseys using both knife and wood burning techniques. Wrought iron entryways also tend to be quite elaborate and are sometimes paired with equally impressive entry gates with scenes of wildlife or symbols of the ranching life. Cattle ranch brands are often used in decorating the interior of a ranch house. The fireplace may be large and a focal point for the living area. Putting an elaborately carved mantel filled with western scenes, animals and in some cases cattle brands adds a Western feel to the room. Wood artists sometimes carve or wood burn these from scratch, but there are patterned templates sold that can be Fashion Moncler Down Men Vest black with hat traced right on the wood to be used as a guide. The patterned ones leave spaces open to insert your own cattle brands in the work. As a example, one pattern features Moncler leon jackets waspie with hats two horseshoes facing each other attached to a weatherworn piece of wood. The wood has the head of a longhorn steer. You have the option of putting the brand inside the horseshoes MONCLER sartre bluette baby Hooded Kids blue jackets or carving it on the wood section. Another is a circle with moncler coats uk a star and a longhorn steer head in the center. A small oval is placed at the bottom of the circle for the cattle brand

Moncler down Men jackets grey rodin Lapel Buttons

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Text and images are provided by National Palace Museum