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Choosing to make America healthier San Diego thousands of biotechnology researchers work in a field of mind boggling complexity that requires years moncler me of rigorous training. They can tell you how hard it is to make even small advances against major diseases. So assuming you don have an advanced scientific degree, nhl jerseys you might think there nothing you can do to achieve the kind of medical breakthroughs that would eliminate half the diabetes cases, prevent one of every five cancer deaths, and save trillions of dollars. Anyone who developed a pill that could do that would win a Nobel Prize. Moncler Kids dark blue Clothing-Fall-Winter The fact that lifestyle affects health isn news. But in a recent report, the Milken Institute showed lifestyle economic impact how our choices contribute to chronic diseases that increase treatment and insurance costs, reduce productivity, erode our international competitiveness and, worst of all, magnify personal suffering. The report, Unhealthy America: The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease, quantifies the staggering moncler womens coats outlet costs of to contain the containable. In this presidential election year, we need more focus on these costs, which undermine prospects for extending health insurance coverage and for coping with the medical burden of an aging population. The opportunity costs also include diversion of skilled research and clinical talent to chronic disease care. For every dollar we spend on treatment, we lose three to four times as much indirectly. When chronically ill workers take sick days, their absenteeism reduces the supply of labor and with it the gross domestic product. But the greatest GDP impact is from which reduces output when sick employees show up for work to avoid losing wages and then perform below par. Combining the diversion of caregivers with the costs of absenteeism and presenteeism, the total impact of chronic disease already exceeds $1 trillion a year, including more than $100 billion in California alone. This cost is one of three interdependent health policy concerns. The second is the cost of advanced research. Third is the system of distributing and paying for medical services so all Americans have access to high quality care. If we address all three with good policy decisions, we can assure longer life spans and higher quality of life at substantially reduced cost. But we need to start now. By mid century, the preventable impact of seven chronic diseases diabetes, pulmonary conditions, hypertension, mental disorders, heart disease, cancers and stroke could reduce annual GDP by six trillion dollars a year. Behavioral choices especially those that underlie obesity often affect the prevalence, severity and costs of these diseases. While genetic factors are very important, as much as 70 percent of direct health care spending is to treat lifestyle related conditions. In calculating cost savings, our report assumed only a modest reduction in the percentage of overweight and obese Americans from the current two thirds to about half. We can moncler online and should do better. One of every four Americans is now more than 20 percent above ideal body weight, the dividing line between overweight and obese. That up from one in eight as recently as 1990. What if we turned the clock back only a decade, returning to 1998 obesity levels? The impact would be 15 million fewer cases of the seven chronic diseases by 2023. In that year alone, without adjusting for inflation, we would reduce health care spending by $60 billion and increase productivity Moncler Bady quilted hooded down jacket pink by $254 billion. In fact, the single most effective way to reduce the burden of disease and lower costs is to reduce obesity. No one claims it easy to change diet and exercise habits. In my case, it took a doctor saying, have cancer. Yet we made progress against smoking another entrenched habit and I believe we can do the same with obesity. It also vital that we build on our national commitment to medical research. If we continue cutting back on research, we risk losing a Moncler Womenspring Autumn red jacket generation of young physician scientists. Unfortunately, recent National Institutes of Health budgets have declined in real terms. That trend has a large impact on San Diego because of this area many life sciences laboratories. Yet with better cooperation among industry, academic and government researchers, we can still make real progress toward life saving cures. If that means eliminating some bureaucratic regulations that limit joint public private efforts, let do it. America woke up 50 years ago moncler jackets for men when Sputnik shocked us into action. We need similar resolve today so chronic diseases don undermine our economy from within the way the Soviet challenge of moncler mens jackets discount the 1950s threatened our security from without. Each of us can help by taking reasonable steps to reduce our personal chronic disease risks. Progress against the preventable cost of these diseases will free up the human, social and financial capital we need to fund crucial research and provide high quality healthcare to all Americans

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Choosing Toothpaste Facing shelf upon shelf of toothpaste, seahawks jerseys you wonder is there s any objective method to help you choose. There is. The only active ingredient in toothpaste that actually kills gum and tooth infection is fluoride, and in most brands today, that s exactly what they give you too little of. So shop for the few brands that offer adequate levels of fluoride. The Federal government helps you with this task. No, they have not bothered to establish minimum standards for fluoride as they should, Moncler Mens Down Jackets ARCS doudoune Brown but they do now require a little chart to appear on the back of every box telling you how much fluoride you are getting. And what a surprise! When you are sitting in your dentist s chair and he smears flouride paste over your teeth, that paste is a two percent solution. Moncler Aliso Women down jackets dark blue For daily brushing, the optimal fluoride level would be one percent of active ingredients, but a brand offering a full one percent is very rare nowadays. You can, however, get 0.76%, which works nearly as well. Most brands offer fluoride at 0.25% right down to 0.15%. At those piffling levels you are wasting your time. You ll be surprised, as you check each box, how many brands trumpet Moncler Down coats with zip Women all yellow their opposition to cavities without actually giving you enough of the one ingredient that kills infection in your mouth. So turn over the boxes and check the little chart. The first item is labeled "active ingredients" and what you want says "sodium moncler children s coats monoflourophosphate 0.76." Bingo. This is the target level of fluoride that makes each brushing mean something. So what do I use? I use two brands, one after the other, every day. First comes Colgate Whitening with baking soda and peroxide, and the second is even better: Ultrabrite moncler puffer jacket Whitening with baking soda and peroxide. Each of these brands gives me fluoride at 0.76%, the highest levels readily available. These two brands can be found in any well stocked drug store, but they are also available in the toothpaste section of one dollar stores. Dollar stores, for moncler acorus jacket some reason, do a better job screening out toothpastes that are a waste of time to use. The real payoff comes right after brushing. When Listerine or any private label equivalent (with alcohol at 0.26% of active ingredients) hits a mouth brushed with baking soda and peroxide, the nuclear blast you Moncler Men red short Pants get will leave no germ unkilled. And do these two toothpastes actually whiten your teeth, as they claim? Yes, but very gradually. For me, that s just a side effect. The main thing for me is to make each brushing effective by killing tooth and gum infection with adequate fluoride. And for that, you have to know how to shop. Published by Erik Mitchell Erik Mitchell lives and works in New York. View profile Choosing Which Toothpaste You Should BuyToothpaste manufacturers provide so many kinds of toothpaste for two reasons. First, people have different dental problems and benefit from different toothpastes. It is amazing how many uses there are from cleaning Moncler down Coats Women with hooded zip white to beauty ritual

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