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Carlisle Utd players grow moustaches to highlight men s health Also taking part are midfielder Jon Paul McGovern, mlb jerseys centre half Danny Livesey, midfielder James Berrett, Moncler down jackets Women red single-breasted slim striker Lee Miller, midfielder Tom Taiwo and physio Neil Dalton (Dolly). Media officer Andy Hall has also been roped in. He said: are about 12 of us so far who are going to be doing it. The project is growing daily but it is being spearheaded by midfielder Andy Welsh. it is a bit of banter for us it is a serious issue. Men tend to take their health Moncler Men and Women Hooded Glossy Zip Purple Vest for granted. If they have an ache or a pain then they tend to ignore it. hope by doing this we can encourage people to check their health. You know your own body and if something isn right then please go to the doctor and get it checked out. Don be a typical bloke and shy away from it. (Welsh) said the players are sometimes seen as role models and if we can raise awareness moncler tracksuits of men health issues then that great. guessing Dolly will grow the best because, while he has a bald head, he is a very hairy man. I think mine will probably be the worst because I had a time when I was in the Armed Forces when I couldn shave for a while and mine just grew in clumps. staff, aged between mid 20s and mid 50s, who work in the finance team at Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust are also taking Moncler Men down jackets zip with hood black part in Movember. They work in a variety of roles from manager to accounts and accountancy assistants. A spokesman for the partnership said: sort of talked about it last year but never got organised enough. This year a couple of us wanted to take part and we encouraged others to join in. are six of us are all trying to grow moustaches for the whole month of November. is interesting because five Moncler fashion Men down jackets orange of us are usually clean shaven and one of the team usually has a beard. have not set a particular target as to how much we want to raise money wise. We are merely doing it to raise awareness of men health issues and to stimulate conversation around men health. hope that one day a cure for cancer will be found. It has raised a few smiles with our colleagues and I think we will celebrate at the end of the month by shaving them off. of former Pink Panther Records owner Keith Jefferson are also taking part. Mr Jefferson, who died in April after losing his battle with bone cancer, had Carlisle most famous moustache which earned him second place in the 2009 World Beard and Moustache Championships in Alaska. moncler sunglasses Brian Atkinson, of Sandsfield Park, was Keith best friend for 40 years and is pushing the fundraising, money from which is going to the charity Myelmoa UK. He said: hope to get about 10 people doing it. sure Keith would be pleased. He went to a meeting for Myeloma before he died. I sure that if he had been here, he would have been raising money as well. He was pleased with the way he had been treated. moncler selfridges hope their efforts will help those being treated for the same condition Keith had. Among those who will be trying to grow a moustache will be Brian and Keith sons, Craig and Steven. His widow, Sheila, will judge the winner during an evening at The Roadhouse, London Road, where Brian runs karaoke evenings, at the end of the month. And the ladies will not be left out of challenge because there will be a category for best fake moustache. Anyone interested in taking part should contact The Roadhouse and leave their details for Brian, who will get a fundraising pack to them. Supported by the women in their lives, Mo Sistas, Movember Mo moncler Men Book blue Hoodies Spring Autumn Bros raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their Mo growing efforts. Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November and through their actions and words raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men health. At the end of the month, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas celebrate their gallantry by throwing a party and generally shaving off their moustache. The funds raised in the UK support the number one and two male specific cancers prostate and testicular cancer. These funds are directed to programmes run directly by Movember and the men health partners, The Prostate Cancer Charity and the Institute of Cancer Research. Together, these channels work together to ensure that Movember funds are supporting a broad range of innovative, world class programmes in the areas of awareness and education, survivorship and research

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