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Controversial expenses by former health exec were related to The province health board says charges by a former moncler online shop uk health exec to Alberta taxpayers were a cost related to the process. Health Services said through a statement that costs of $1, nhl jerseys570 incurred by former health executive Alison Tonge were part of immigration related expenses that they agreed to pay as part of her move Moncler Kids blue Clothing-2 PIECES SET-Fall-Winter to Canada. Tonge was employed with AHS from Nov. 4, 2009 to Jan. moncler bubble 10, 2012 she was recruited from Great Britain. is a culture of entitlement that we saw with other executives under the former health regions and under the previous health yellow moncler vest minister. It still alive despite this premier claims to have eradicated it. says they don normally pay for these expenses, but in this case they agreed to cover the expenses. Health Minister Fred Horne countered that these costs were to allow Tonge to work in Canada and Alberta. expenses she incurred were for the purpose of supporting landed immigrant status, Horne said. Eagle said he would provide me with a detailed explanation which moncler leather jacket I would be happy table that in this house. expense claim was signed by current Alberta Health Services CEO Dr. Chris Eagle in January of 2012 and included a $420,000 sevarence package when she left Alberta Health Services. Three months ago, Liberal Leader Raj Sherman called for a complete forensic audit of AHS and at the time cited Tonge lavish expense claims. She submitted receipts for everything from immigration costs, home inspections, limousine services and even a $14 movie rental prior to her January 2012 exit. Tonge is back working in the UK as a health executive there. Meanwhile another former health moncler vests men exec who charged Alberta taxpayers $7,000 for medical treatment at a pricey American clinic will not repay the cost and that has our health minister sounding disappointment. Michele Lahey, a former Capital Health chief executive, visited the up scale Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, back in 2007. She said it was to get a second opinion after docs here told her she was cancer free. have to say I very disappointed. All Albertans will be disappointed. I had hoped the money might be paid back, very sad it won be, Horne said. one of the unfortunate things about this situation. We talking about a former employee of a former health region, that no longer exists. Certainly on moral grounds in terms of the perspective of Albertans, we like that money to be paid back, disappointing that it won The province health board says charges by a former health exec to Alberta taxpayers were Moncler down jacket Men Hooded fur collar red a cost related to the process. Health Services said through a statement that costs of $1,570 incurred by former health executive Alison Tonge were part of immigration related expenses that they agreed to pay as part of her move to Canada. Tonge was employed with AHS from Nov. 4, 2009 to Jan. 10, 2012 she was recruited from Great Britain. Moncler jackets Women black collar zip is a culture of entitlement that we saw with other executives under the former health regions and under the previous health minister. It still alive despite this premier claims to have eradicated it

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moncler bodywarmer Controversial flu paper finally published One of two moncler sizing controversial studies of H5N1 bird flu, nfl jerseys held back because of fears about bioterrorism, has finally been published. The work, by Yoshihiro Kawaoka and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin Madison, was considered the less threatening of the two studies, partly because it created a virus that did moncler jackets sale men not kill the experimental subjects ferrets. Kawaoka s work could help the world guard against bird flu by showing what kinds of changes in the virus not just which particular mutations could lead to an H5N1 pandemic. Both the Kawaoka work and the study by Ron Fouchier and colleagues at Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, show that H5N1 can evolve to spread between mammals. The US committee unanimously agreed that there was little threat in Kawaoka s virus, although if it got loose it could potentially unleash a whole new human flu family. Kawaoka s research paper, which appears this week in the journal Nature, is accompanied by a "risks and benefits" assessment by what the journal describes as "a bio defence agency outside the US". The assessment argues that safety measures were adequate and the benefits of the research were worth the risks. The US committee was divided over the Fouchier study, though, because that adapted virus did kill ferrets. The debate over the Fouchier study also led to its falling foul of Dutch export restrictions on sensitive material. Fouchier, objecting to the idea of trade officials controlling the publication of research, briefly threatened last month to publish without permission from the Dutch government, which might have left him facing criminal charges. But he relented, the government gave permission, and the work should appear shortly in the journal Science. In Kawaoka s study, only the surface protein haemagglutinin (HA) was from H5N1. The rest was 2009 pandemic flu, which does not kill ferrets. Both the 2009 virus and H5N1 infect pigs, though, and a hybrid of the two could emerge naturally, making it valuable to know how such a virus might behave. The work shows that before a hybrid could spread Moncler Kids down Jacket Multiple Logo brown in people, the HA would have to change. Kawaoka s team gave it two mutations that boosted binding to sugars on human, rather than bird, throat cells. It picked up two more mutations while infecting ferrets, which let it grow faster. Kawaoka s team says its study should permit virologists to recognise viruses that pose a pandemic threat, even moncler coats for kids if they have different mutations. This is because the mutations that allowed the team s virus to spread had particular chemical effects on HA. They boosted binding to the human sugar; they made HA less sensitive to acid, which triggers a radical shape shift in the protein during the infection process; and they prevented moncler made in a crucial chemical process called glycosylation, in which a carbohydrate is attached to the HA protein at one spot, changing the shape of a cleft in the molecule where it binds to a cell to infect it. Several mutations have these effects, so any of them could be dangerous. It is not clear how many such mutations are already circulating in the moncler sweatshirt wild. Moncler Women down coats zip Leading wind black But mutations that prevent the crucial glycosylation "are not uncommon in the field, in both avian and human H5N1 viruses", says Malik Peiris, a leading flu virologist at Hong Kong University. Only the Rotterdam and Wisconsin studies have been held up for biosecurity concerns

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