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Constitution doesn t mention health care I have asked my liberal friends, nba jerseys "If I buy my health care directly from my doctor, why would you require me to pay moncler deutschland taxes to buy health care for other Moncler marine Womens goose jackets habit Lapel Buttons grey people?" They usually answer, "Because everyone has a right to health care, and we are all in this together."My question then is, "So was I born with an obligation to work to pay for someone else s health Moncler jackets for Mens Glossy Hooded Black care?" At this point, they will say something like, "You re already paying for other people s health care," or, "That s the wrong way to look at it," or, "That sounds selfish," or just "Yes."If health care is a right, then the government must provide for it, as it does national defense and public safety and a judicial system. If it is not, then government has no more business being involved in it than it has in grocery stores or hotels or automobiles. Constitution enumerates our rights. Their common characteristic is that they are about what government may not do to us. None of them says what others must do for us.Health care is something that must be produced by doctors, hospitals, drug companies, and on and on. If we have a right to it, then we have a right to make others produce it and have others pay for it.Our national debate on health care is going to decide much about the future prosperity of our nation. We need to base the debate on sound philosophical principles. If we do not, we may do damage that cannot be undone.Join the Discussion: Check this out for a full explanation of our conversion to the LiveFyre commenting system and instructions on how to sign up for an account. Our Moncler Mens down jackets dark grey goal is not to limit the discussion, but rather to elevate it. Comments should be relevant and contain no abusive language. Comments that are off topic, vulgar, profane or include personal attacks will be removed. Full comments policy. Additionally, we now display comments from trusted commenters by default. Those wishing to become a trusted commenter need to moncler cap verify their identity or sign in with Facebook Connect to tie their Facebook account to their Las Vegas Sun account. For more on this change, read our story about how it works and why we did it.Only trusted comments are displayed moncler jackets discount on this page. Untrusted comments have expired from this story. FlagNo one has a "right" to something paid for with someone else money. Constitution enumerates our rights."And the Declaration of Independence, another of our great historic documents, says that we are all endowed with the right to life, liberty mens moncler jackets on sale and the pursuit of happiness.Kinda hard to exercise those rights when you dead.I not asking for a handout. I asking for a fair shake. Right now, I NEVER get one from an industry that sees me as just a negative number on their balance sheet.Health care should not be about how much money the insurance moncler lans jacket companies can squeeze out of us while telling the people who need it the most "Sorry, but you just cost too much to take care of. Have a nice life."

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