China shouldn t accept American ideas moncler jacket online uncritically Nottingham, miami heat jerseys August 31 China has shown a tendency to accept American ideas uncritically, especially in the fields of economics, social sciences and international relations, which could lead to it copying some of America s worst mistakes, according to Professor Moncler Men down Rabbit hats With Fur Blue Jackets Yongnian Zheng, Head of Research at the China Policy Institute at The University of Nottingham. Writing in his weekly column in the Singapore newspaper Lianhe Zaobao He said American ideas had made a huge impact in China, in both the hard sciences and social sciences, though moncler snowsuit less in the field of political ideas, but they would eventually become influential in politics too. had neglected the Middle East and Africa until the events of 9/11. "The United States has in many respects been at the forefront of the social sciences of today s world. There is nothing wrong with studying American social moncler vests women science. [But] the language of American social science is not universal. American concepts and theories represent the conclusions and abstractions of the American experience. Moncler Kids Bazille e salopette down Jacket black Applying the full set of American social science concepts and theories mechanically to China is not only inappropriate as a means of understanding Chinese reality, but also for developing social sciences in China." "American research has attracted the most money and moncler long jacket the best talent [in China]," Zheng added. "Quite naturally, the language of American international relations has become the main language of research into China s international relations. This phenomenon has also manifested itself in the more open sciences such as economics and social science. Political moncler bulgarie science has not yet opened up, but once it opens up it too will be [Americanised]." "At a policy level, the prevalence of American economic theories has had an even greater influence in China than in the United States itself. Reagan administration or the British Thatcher government have been put into practice in moncler on line China," Zheng said. He said during the Cold War the Washington concentrated its research on the Soviet Union, neglecting smaller countries, and that since the ending of the Cold War it had begun to regard Beijing as a potential enemy and had similarly concentrated its research efforts on China. China was now doing much the same, concentrating most of its research efforts on the United States and while it paid lip service to other countries, it was in practice largely ignoring them. "But this is woefully inadequate for foreign policy making for a large country like China," he added. "In many respects China should not only study America s successful experiences but it should also absorb the lessons of where America has not succeeded or even failed. America s language of domination and the policies this has led to have had huge negative consequences and have become important factors in America s decline," Zheng stated. "As China rises it must learn from the internal and foreign policy experiences of other countries, but in the course of this process China must establish its own independent ways of thought. Without this degree of independence, if its thinking becomes Americanised or Europeanised, China will find it hard to develop into a true power, and in particular into a sustainable power," Zheng concluded
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