Cone Health to lay off 150 workers Cone will eliminate a total of 300 jobs 150 of which are currently vacant over the next three months, nba jerseys said Terry Akin, Cone Health president and chief operating officer. Those positions amount to roughly moncler blue jacket 3 percent of Cone s complement, which is about 10,000 people. "This has impacted types of positions that cut across the organization at all levels," Akin said, "and we ve done our very best to minimize impact on patient care." Cone began telling the workers about the layoffs Wednesday afternoon. Akin said buy moncler jacket online rising costs, cuts in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement at the state and national level, as well as cuts in other public sources of money, forced the health system to act. "We re literally backed into a corner," he said. Akin said the medical center found $11 million in cuts by consolidating programs or changing work processes. But that left $19 million on the table, he said. "We had nowhere else to turn than with staffing," he said. Cone s overall expense budget, including Alamance Regional Medical Center, is $1.7 billion. Alamance is looking separately at cuts in its budget, Akin said, and it is not affected in this move. Akin said Wednesday at the beginning of a media conference call that "healthcare as an industry is really under siege in the United States." He blamed the federal Affordable Care Act and budget sequestration, MONCLER Women Vest-Quilted body warmer Navy along with other factors at the state level, for making budgets tight. A Cone spokesman said later that the system also paid $185 million for uncompensated care last year. To cut its budget, Cone Health made some predictions based on future costs and income, Moncler Down Jacket Branson doudoune purple Akin said. "With our chief financial officer we tried to account for every factor that we can quantify and then make some projections," Akin said. Hospital systems across the country are looking for budget cuts. A report from the American Hospital Association predicted in 2012 that the industry Moncler Gueran coats Women down long black would cut 93,000 jobs in 2013. Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center said in November 2012, that it would cut 950 jobs 6 percent of its total staff. Electronic records programs continue to push costs higher. The Winston Salem Journal reported that Wake Forest s Epic Moncler down jackets Women zip Bady green program caused $8 million in work interruptions during the 2012 2013 year alone. Wake Forest is cutting costs at least through June 30 to make up for some of Epic s expense. Its efforts include furloughs, wage reductions Moncler Smart Casual Women Vest 2 black and other cuts. The center has more than 13,000 full and part time employees Forsyth County s largest workforce. In May 2012, Novant Health Inc. announced it was eliminating 150 positions locally, primarily at Forsyth Medical Center, but also at Medical Park Hospital and Kernersville and Thomasville medical centers. Novant cheap moncler jackets uk has more than 5,000 full time employees in the Triad
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Cone Health to open health center for uninsured GREENSBORO Cone Health is opening a center in early February for people without insurance. Until then, nba jerseys the health care provider will operate a temporary practice for the uninsured at its urgent care center on Church Street. The temporary adult health center at Cone Health Urgent Care Center opened Monday. Monday through Friday. "This interim step is a separate practice within a practice," said Tim Clontz, executive vice president for health services at Cone Health. "It s going to be one moncler winter physician who will be assisted by a licensed practical nurse and a front office person." That one physician will see between 18 and 20 patients a day, Clontz said, most of them with chronic conditions moncler hat men that require repeated appointments. A new, dedicated center for the uninsured will open at 201 E. Wendover Ave. in early February. The temporary practice at the urgent care center will be folded moncler coat for men into it. The new center will likely have at least four physicians, Clontz said. The goal of both the temporary practice and the new center is to fill the gap MONCLER gilet blanche baby Hooded Buttons Kids white Vest moncler vests men left by the recently closed HealthServe clinic on Eugene Street. "We also recognize we need to do additional work far beyond moncler down coat men just a site on Wendover Avenue," authentic moncler jackets Clontz said. "We need to reach out. This is a good start, but the vision here is that we ll have multiple sites closer to where many of these folks live." The HealthServe moncler ladies jackets Community Clinic on South Eugene Street, which served poor and uninsured patients, closed in August. The city s other HealthServe clinic, on Cone Boulevard, closed, too. The Eugene Street clinic had about 8,500 active patients and logged an average of 25,000 to 30,000 visits a year. The clinics were operated by Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine and paid for primarily through $1 million a year from Guilford County and $1.2 million a year from Cone Health. After the county withdrew its money in 2011, Cone followed suit
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