Supplementa Iconum Plantarum Formosanarum is the publication of Dr. Yoshimatsu Yamamoto, director of Taihoku Imperial University Herbarium. Yoshimatsu Yamamoto, a student of Bunzo Hayata, graduated in 1923 from Department of Botany, Tokyo Imperial University. Yoshimatsu Yamamoto assisted Bunzo Hayata exploring the flora of Taiwan then in 1928 started teaching at Department of Science in Taihoku Imperial University. Yoshimatsu Yamamoto published five volumes of Supplementa Iconum Plantarum Formosanarum between 1925 and 1932. This publication added the newly discovered species during 1922 -1932 period to provide a supplement to Hayata’s Iconum Plantarum Formosanarum. The documentation of each new species includes detailed descriptions in Latin, literatures, habitats and illustrations. The most well-known species is Epilobium nankotaizanense Yamamoto which is the rare and valuable species listed by Culture Heritage Preservation Act in Taiwan.