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A Succession of Sons

Tags: blessing | print

This is a single piece of decorative painting used on doors. The painting displays five children: one child squats on top of the lotus pot, unrolling with both hands a scroll that reads “May you have a succession of sons.” Two children each are on the left and right sides, all playing musical instruments. One plays a sanxian (three-string Chinese banjo), one a cymbal, one a bamboo flute, and one a sheng (reed pipe). To the left and right of the pot base are a peach and a pomegranate, respectively. The rest of the painting is covered with lotus flowers. Peach symbolizes longevity and pomegranate fertility. The Chinese words for “lotus” and “succession” (lian) are homonyms, as are the words for “reed pipe” and “birth” (sheng). The musical instruments also are decorative and interesting. This kind of paintings is used on the bedroom door of a newlywed couple.


51 x32 cm

National Museum of History

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