Fantastic and Extraordinary: The Realm of Wu Bins Painting
Wu Bin was a native of Fujian and was an active painter around the time of the Wanli reign (1573-1620) of the Ming Dynasty. After reaching adulthood, Wu Bin went to Nanjing and made acquaintance of many famous scholars there. He was a devout follower of Buddhism, illustrating Buddhist themes in his painting as well. He was also gifted at poetry and prose. The roots of his manner lie in Fujian, absorbing stylistic elements from the Wu School to imbue his brushwork with elegant beauty. He also was influenced by the unbridled and expressionistic brushwork in Zhe School painting. As for the formation of Wu Bin's painting style, modern scholars have suggested Sino-Western cultural exchange in the late Ming period as a possible source, referring to the Westernized appearance of lohans in his paintings and the adoption of landscape elements from Western prints. Through December 25, 2012, this exhibition of paintings by Wu Bin at the National Palace Museum in Taipei is being held so that audiences can fully appreciate his rich and fantastic realm of painting (

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