A Visionary Mind: The Art of Yuan Jai in a Quarter-Century

Based on her rich knowledge of both Chinese and Western cultures, Yuan Jai is capable of appropriating elements of ancient paintings for her art. Yuan’s childlike and imaginative mind enables her to break all the shackles of conventional visual arts and continue experimenting with innovative subjects regardless of boundaries of time and space. The artist received basic training in a traditional art academy, and then went to Europe to study Western art. She combined what she had learned over different times into something that could bridge the gaps between traditional Chinese painting and Western art forms. Through June 24, 2012, the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts holds a solo exhibition of Yuan (http://www.kmfa.gov.tw/KMFAENG/home02.aspx?ID=$1003&IDK=2&EXEC=L&DATA=661&AP=$1003_HISTORY-0^$1003_PN-1) which features over 100 works covering each stage of her 25-year career. It is the first of its kind that provides such a complete picture of Yuan’s life and art. For both the artist herself and viewers, the exhibition is unprecedented and unparalleled.