If you are coming back, please pull your boat whistle.
I will look for you following the sound and tighten the cable rope for you ashore.
If you bring me toys, please put it beside my bed.
In my drowsy and sleepy eyes, I only want to see your drifting figure.
If you are going to kiss me, please shave off the beard near your lips.
Because it stops your flowing tears, so I can’t tell the wind and rain come from which nations.
If you are coming back, please don’t be in the rain and wind.
The rainwater on the ground stops me from seeing your footprints when you get home.
Exposition of the music:
The lyrics of “Anticipation” were written by associate professor Lu Fei-Yi (Feii Lu) in the Dept. of Radio and Television, National Chengchi University. It uses the ambient sound of boat whistle and lingering effects from stringed music to express Tang Hsiao-Shih’s anticipation and yearning for her sailor father coming back or starting the sail.
III. Manuscript
Handwritten manuscript (page 1) of “Anticipation in B minor” for violin II (1986)
Handwritten first draft (lyrics and score) of “Anticipation” (1986)