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Pegasus laternarius 短海蛾魚

Scientific Name:    Pegasus laternarius         
Nomenclater:    Cuvier, 1816
Family:    F293  Pegasidae
Holotype-Locality:    Indian seas
Habitats:    Benthos、Estuary、Coastal、Lagoon      
Economic Fish:     No
Habitats Depth:    1 - 50 M      
Aquarium Fish:     No
Poisonous Fish:    No      
Edible Fish:     No
Synonyms:    Parapegasus volans, Parapegasus volitans, Pegasus volans, Pegasus volitans  
Reference:    Shen, S. C. , S. C. Lee, K. T. Shao, H. C. Mao, C. H. Chen, C. C. Chen, C. S. Tzeng. 1993. Fishes of Taiwan. Dept. Zool., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei. xx + 960 pp., pls. 310. (in Chinese) Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2004. FishBase. World Wide Web ele  Cuvier, G. 1816 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Carpenter, K. E. etc. 1999 Nakabo T. 2002 Nakabo T. 2002 
Redlist Status:    IUCN Redlist: Vulnerable(VU)  
Common Name in Engulish:    Dragonfish
Chinese Name transliteration:    duan hai e yu, hai e yu
Distribution in Taiwan:    West、North East  
Distribution in World:    India Ocean to West Pacific Ocean
Max Lenth:     8 cm
Specimen List:     ASIZP0061955. ASIZP0070188. ASIZP0900430. CAS47305. FRIP00820. FRIP01377. NMNSF00876. NTMP0967.        
Characteristic:    Body depressed, completely encased in fused dermal plates: 4 pairs of dorsolateral body plates; 5 pairs ventrolateral body plates; deep pits on dorsal surface of head and within interorbital depression absent; 11 or more tail rings with 9th and 10th fused; suborbital shelf convex, obscuring eye from ventral view; last tail ring without spine on dorsal surface. No scales on orbit. Spinous dorsal fin absent; soft dorsal and anal fins each with 5 rays, placed posteriorly on body; pectoral fins large, 5th rays of pectorals stout, much thicker than other rays. Readily identified by its rather short rostrum when juvenile or female; it is more developed in males. It has a variety of colors and can be dull to bright yellow or blue. Preserved body dark brown dorsally and laterally; lighter ventrally.  
Habitats:    Adults lives on muddy bottoms, often collected at depths of about 50 m; larvae are planktonic. Rarely seen diving, except a few localities in Japan where they occur in sheltered muddy habitats.
Distribution:    Distributed in the Indo-West Pacific from Gulf of Manaar, Indian Ocean to Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea, along the coast of southern China and Taiwan, extending as far north as Suruga Bay, Japan. It is found in northeastern and western Taiwanese wa
Utility:    No commercial value.



Text and images are provided by The Fish Datebase of Taiwan (Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)