Scientific Name: Metzia mesembrinum
Nomenclater: (Jordan & Evermann, 1902)
Family: F102 Cyprinidae
Holotype-Locality: Kagi, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Habitats: Fresh Water
Economic Fish: No
Habitats Depth: 0 - 5 M
Aquarium Fish: No
Poisonous Fish: No
Edible Fish: No
Synonyms: Ischikauia macrolepis, Metzia mesembrina, Rasborinus lineatus takakii, Rasborinus macrolepis, Rasborinus takakii
Reference: Chen IS and Fang LS (1999). The freshwater and estuaries fishes of Taiwan. National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium. Pingtung. 286 p. Jordan, D. S. etc. 1902 陳義雄,方力行 1999 陳義雄, 張詠青, 邵廣昭 2005
Redlist Status: 2009-04-01COA, Taiwan Redlist: Vulnerable Not in IUCN Redlist
Common Name in Engulish: Large-scale lesser-bream
Chinese Name transliteration:
Distribution in Taiwan: West
Distribution in World: Taiwan
Max Lenth: 8 cm
Specimen List: ANSP49951Holotype. NMMBP01961. NMNSF00919. NMNSF00922. SU7130Holotype. SU7151Paratype.
Characteristic: Head small. Snout short. Eye large, interorbital space broad. Mouth superior, oblique. Body elongated, compressed; dorsal profile slightly arched; keel on belly between pelvic fin origin and anus. Scales moderately large, cycloid, lateral line complete. L.l.:35-37; dorsal fin rays:2+7; pectoral fin rays:1+13-14; pelvic fin rays:1+7-8; anal fin rays:3+14-16. Anal fin base long; caudal fin forked.
Habitats: Primary freshwater fish, prefers ecological environments similar to those of R. formosae.
Distribution: Endemic to Taiwan, used to be found in some drainage of southwestern Taiwan.
Utility: Non. It was believed to be extinct.
Text and images are provided by The Fish Datebase of Taiwan (Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)