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Swinhoe's Pheasant

Tiny (9cm) warbler-like bird with blackish crown and bright orange (yellow in female) median coronal stripe, posteriorly yellow; black eye patch surrounded by white throat. Nuchal collar and breast grey; back olive; abdomen, rump and vent yellow. Wings and tail are black with white wing bars and yellow edges to primaries. Iris--brown; bill--black; feet--dark grey. Regular call is shrill see-see Distribution:
Endemic to Taiwan. Frequent bird of coniferous and montane forests of the main mountain range at 2000-3000m
Endemic to Taiwan. Frequent bird of coniferous and montane forests of the main mountain range at 2000-3000m
Ecology:Regularly mixes with tits and ither species in mixed flocks. Descends in winter

Bird id:B0150
Chinese name:藍腹鷴
scientific name:Lophura swinhoii
English name:Swinhoe's Pheasant






Digital Museum of Zoology
National Taiwan University