Tainan Prefecture Ground Zero

The bombing has long ceased, and the fallen houses are covered by weeds. Yet war has left its traces ….

Some of the documents left from the Japanese Colonial Period are now in government custody, while some have been collected by private individuals, families or foundations. Religious groups also have many of them. For instance, Miao Hsin Temple collected more than one thousand of the Taiwan documents as well as over two thousand Buddhist statues, couplets, paintings and works of calligraphy.

The History Department of the Taiwan Institute for the Humanities of National Chung Cheng University, sponsored by the National Science Council, has undertaken a project to digitize portions of the documents that record the wartime calamities in Tainan Prefecture (one administrative district during the Japanese colonial period, nowadays Tainan, Chiayi, Yunlin counties). The results are presented in TELDAP’s Union Catalogue.

The documents compiled by the “Digitalization Project of Tainan Wartime Documents” were mainly from documents collected by Buddhist abbots and temple administrators of southern Taiwan. The documents do not provide a complete picture of the administrative system in wartime Taiwan. However, they record the relief measures provided by the Tainan prefecture local government after World War Two, giving us an idea about the suffering of Taiwanese at that time.

Taiwan was bombarded by the U.S. during World War Two. According to the regulations of that time, civilian victims had to submit the appropriate documentation to claim indemnification, which accounts for why these documents include the victims' census data. They tell the story of the Allied bombing of Taiwan, and help us to imagine the victims’ situation.

Apart from the aforementioned application forms, the digital archive includes the "Wartime Protection Regulations Procedure" and the "Wartime Protection Plan Procedure" of each village. They help historians better understand people's lives in the war.

Following the war, due to Taiwan's close relationship with the U.S., this account of the U.S. bombing was ignored. Also, the military opposition in early post-war years was gradually forgotten as those involved passed away over time. To piece together Taiwan’s past, we believe that it is necessary to reveal the civilians' helplessness and hardship recorded in these yellowing pages.

Additional Reading:
Creative Comic Collection 2: The Day the Bomb Dropped
Digitization Project for Literature and Archives on Wartime Calamities in Tainan Prefecture under the Japanese Occupation

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