Epinephelus akaara 赤點石斑魚

Scientific Name:     Epinephelus akaara       
Nomenclater:     (Temminck & Schlegel, 1842)
Family:     F338  Serranidae
Holotype-Locality:     Nagasaki, Japan
Habitats:     Coral、Coastal     
Economic Fish:     Yes
Habitats Depth:     4 - 30 M     
Aquarium Fish:     No
Poisonous Fish:     No     
Edible Fish:     Yes
Synonyms:     Epinephelus ionthas, Epinephelus lobotoides, Serranus akaara, Serranus shihpan, Serranus variegatus  
Reference:     Shen, S. C. etc 1993. Fishes of Taiwan.、The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Vol.4(FAO,1999)  Temminck, C.J. etc. 1842 鵜川正雄,桶口正毅,水戶敏 Ukawa, M. etc. 1966 水戶敏,鵜川正雄,桶口正毅 Mito, S. etc. 1967 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Carpenter, K. E. etc. 1999  文獻
Redlist Status:     IUCN Redlist: Endangered(EN)   IUCN Group
Common Name in Engulish:     Redspotted grouper; Red grouper; Hong Kong grouper; Garrupa
Chinese Name transliteration:     chih dian shih ban yu, hong ban, shih ban, guo yu
Distribution in Taiwan:     East、West、South、North、PonFu、Greeb IS.
Distribution in World:     Australia
Max Lenth:      53 cm
Specimen List:      ASIZP0054754. ASIZP0055690. ASIZP0063524. NMMBP06340. NMMSTP00379. RUSI28048. RUSI28054.  Download 7 records Download 7 records
Characteristic:     Dorsal fin with XI spines and 15-17 soft rays; anal fin with III spines and 8-9 soft rays; pectoral fin 17-19 soft rays; latertal-line scales 50-54; longitudinal scale series 92-106; body covered with ctenoid scares except anterodorsally, on thorax, and abdomen; gill rakers 8-9+15-17 of first gill arch; pyloric caeca 12-16. Body depth contained approx. 3.1 times in standard length (for fish 11 to 38 cm standard length); head length contained approx. 2.5 times in standard length. pelvic fins not reaching anus, thier length contain 2.1 times in head length; caudal fin rounded. Head and body pale brownish grey, covered with small red, orange or gold spots, 6 faint oblique dark bars visiable on body, the first bar on nape, the third confluent with a dark brown on body at base of lst 3 dorsal-fin spines, the last bar on caudal peduncle; dark body bars extend only onto base of dorsal-fin; dorsal-fin margin yellow or orange; a row of dusky yellow or orange spots along middle of spinous diorsal fin and another row along base of fin. 
Habitats:     This species is common in rocky area. Ukawa et al. (1966) reported pair spawning in shallow culture ponds between 1530 and 1630. The egg is transparent, 0.7 to 0.77 mm in diameter, with colorless yolk. Hatching occurred after 23-25 hrs at 25.1-27 degree C
Distribution:     Western Pacific: from southern China, Taiwan, East China Sea, Korea, and southern Japan.
Utility:     Commercial important species in Hong Kong and Japan.



Text and images are provided by The Fish Datebase of Taiwan (Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

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