Scientific Name: Rhina ancylostoma
Nomenclater: Bloch & Schneider, 1801
Family: F045 Rhinidae
Holotype-Locality: Coromandel, India
Economic Fish: No
Habitats Depth: 1 - 50 M
Aquarium Fish: No
Poisonous Fish: No
Edible Fish: No
Synonyms: Rhina anclyostoma, Rhina ancylostomus, Rhina cyclostomus, Squatina ancyclostoma
Reference: 朱元鼎 編 1985 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993
Redlist Status: IUCN Redlist: Vulnerable(VU)
Common Name in Engulish: Shortnose mud skate; Shark ray; Bow-mouthed angel fish; Bowmouth guitarfish; Mud skate
Chinese Name transliteration: bo kou hou tou fen, yuan li tou yao, fan chih sha, fang zai
Distribution in Taiwan: West、South、PonFu
Distribution in World:
Max Lenth: 270 cm
Specimen List: ASIZP0057499. ASIZP0069357. FRIP03309. FRIP22102. NMMBP04306. NMMBP06581. NTMP0631. NTUM01596. NTUM04308.
Text and images are provided by The Fish Datebase of Taiwan (Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)