Arundo grass in Yangmingshan National Park
Arundo under the autumn sunset in the Tatun mountain area north of Taipei adds to the many faces of Yangmingshan National Park.
Liwu River in Taroko National Park
Marble erosion along the Liwu River in Hualien County has created the Taroko Gorge on the Central Cross-island Highway.
Northeast Coastal Highway
The Northeast Coastal Highway is popular with tourists who come for the scenery or fishing.
Queen’s Head at Yeliu
Coastal erosion has carved natural sandstone formations at Yehliu in northeast Taiwan. The “queen’s head” is the most famous.
Mount Ali railway
The Mount Ali railway ranks as one of the three high mountain railways of the world. Now a tourist train, it was originally built for the purpose of hauling cypress for lumber.
Puppet show
After modernization, Taiwanese glove puppetry began to place greater stress on characterization, color, lighting, and the performance atmosphere.
Lungshan Temple at Lukang
The Lungshan Temple in the town of Lukang is ranked as a first-class historical site. This treasure of Taiwanese architecture has impressive artistry, colorful decorations, and pillars with delicately carved dragons.
Chatting with friends
Chatting with friends over a cup of tea in a natural environment is an enjoyable and popular activity for Taipei citizens.
Taipei City Urban Search & Rescue Team
The Taipei City Urban Search & Rescue Team joins in relief efforts following an earthquake in El Salvador in 2001.
Widow of General Sun Li-jen
Premier Chang Chun-hsiung visits the widow of General Sun Li-jen.
Leather shadow puppets
The puppetmaster exhibits great skill in manipulating leather shadow puppets to tell different folk stories.
Passionate kiss
As Taiwan’s social values become more diverse, many people no longer view a passionate kiss on the street as outrageous.
Computer lessons
In the information age, children are learning how to use computers at an early age.
Dust-free room
Raising standards in science and technology can also bring about a higher quality of life for people.
Tsushih Temple at Sanhsia
The Tsushih Temple in Sanhsia, Taipei County is widely known as a “hall of Oriental art” because of its remarkable sculptures.
Taipei Folk Dance Troupe
The Taipei Folk Dance Troupe performs the religious “Twelve Women” dance, which is both modern and traditional.
Rice transplanters
As most of the younger generation is unwilling to farm for a living, there has been a serious population outflow from the villages. Farmers use transplanters to supplement the shortage of labor.
Peking Opera
Historical stories that reflect life’s sadness and joy are popular subjects in Peking Opera.
Tamsui River waterfront
This charming waterfront next to a pier on the Tamsui River serves as a popular background for wedding photos.
Human rights marriage
President Chen Shui-bian hosts a “human rights marriage” at the Taipei Guest House to support the marriage values of gender equality, commitment, and mutual trust.
Papaya pest eradication program in Granada
ROC agricultural and technical missions in Grenada hold an information meeting on papaya pest eradication for local farmers.
Rice production program in Dominican Republic
ROC agricultural and technical missions in Dominican Republic provide local farmers with guidance on rice production.
Tachia Matsu Pilgrimage
The goddess of the sea, Matsu, attracts thousands of believers at every stop of its round-the-island tour from the famous Tachia Temple in central Taiwan.
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre
The internationally acclaimed Cloud Gate Dance Theatre is the first professional modern dance troupe in Taiwan. The dance “Legacy” tells the story of hardship experienced by Taiwan’s early settlers.
Taiwanese Opera
Established over a century ago, the Ming Hwa Yuan Theater Troupe has dedicated itself to the promotion of Taiwanese Opera. Photo shows a performance of the “Immortals of Penglai.
Dust-free room
In a dust-free room of one of Taiwan’s wafer foundries, staff members wear special garments to keep the working environment clean.
Dragon boat race
Dragon boat races, now an important activity of the Dragon Boat Festival, are a legacy of the ancient practice of making offerings on rivers in memory of the poet and martyr, Chu Yuan (343-290 B.C.).
Wanta Reservoir at Wushe
The beautiful and serene Wanta Reservoir at Wushe in mountainous Nantou County, is nicknamed “Jade Lake.”
Hot springs in Green Island
With the rise in Taiwan’s standard of living has come an increase in leisure activities. These famous hot springs on tropical Green Island provide a break from the chores of the world and relaxation to the mind and body.
Peking Opera facial makeup
In Peking Opera, formalized patterns of facial makeup reveal the personality of the character. Students at the National Fu-Hsing Dramatic Arts Academy put on makeup before a performance.
Water lanterns
Specially designed “water lanterns” are lighted and floated on the river or sea to deliver the souls of those who drowned.
Textile factory
To strengthen competitiveness and reduce costs, most modern textile factories are now computerized.
Burning of Wang Yeh boat
In early times when plagues were common, people burned ceremonial boats, believing that they would placate the gods of pestilence and bring spiritual protection. This tradition is still followed today, with the burning of the “Wang Yeh” boats as the climax of the ritual.
Automobile show
These 3D virtual reality glasses are one of the innovative ways that new products are introduced at automobile shows.
Green Island Human Rights Memorial
The first human rights monument in Asia, the Green Island Human Rights Memorial, reminds all people that “the era of mother’s weeping” has ended.
Shih An Egg Farm
Shih An Farm is the first egg-producing farm in Taiwan that received the certification “CAS Fresh Eggs.” The farm is fully automated and adopts modern technology in management and production, including air-conditioned chicken house, automatic environmental control, and automatic grading and packing.
Sunset on Mount Ali
Mount Ali (2,480 meters) is famous for its small tourist train, beautiful sunrise, sea of clouds, and spring cherry blossoms. This photo is of an impressive sunset.
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and National Concert Hall
Two traditional Chinese buildings, the archway of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and the National Concert Hall, form an interesting contrast to the modern skyscrapers rising in the distance.
Cobia fish aquaculture farm
The development of offshore aquaculture is part of Taiwan's efforts to enter the world's fishery market. This offshore aquaculture farm managed by the Pan Asia Ocean Company in Liu Chiu, Pingtung County, is raising Cobia fish (Rachycentron cancadum).
Kaohsiung at night
Known as the “ocean city” and home to the world’s third largest container port.
Cage aquaculture
To avoid land sinking as a result of excessive pumping of underground water for fish ponds.
Taipei skyline
High-rise buildings, the mass transit system, and shady avenues form Taipei’s modern skyline.
Western-style house
Western-style houses with rice paddies and fish ponds in front signify the tradition and modernity of Taiwan’s agricultural life.
Dairy farm
Dairy farms have adopted automatic temperature and environmental control systems for best quality. Shown here are an automatic feeder and a fully automatic milking machine.
Orchid greenhouse
Orchids with a high unit-value are propagated with modern greenhouse technology for export by the Taiwan Sugar Corporation.
Rice harvester
Rice harvesters have greatly increased labor and production efficiency.
Harvesting chrysanthemums
Tienwei Township in Changhua County is often dubbed the “capital of the chrysanthemum.” Farmers are seen busy harvesting chrysanthemums.
Picking tea leaves
Because of suitable climate and environment, Taiwan is an important tea producer, and tea is one of it’s major economic crops. Tender leaves are picked by hand to ensure quality.
Vegetable greenhouse
In this special cultivation zone greenhouse, vegetables are grown for high quality, quantity, and production efficiency.
Sun drying daylilies
Farmers in Hualien are busy drying edible daylilies in the sun after harvest.