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Mammals (National Taiwan University)    

The Mammal Database contains 8 orders, 19 families, and 67 mammal species in Taiwan. In this database, you can search and observe basic information on all of these mammal species, including their classification, morphology, natural environment, and ...
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Mandarin Topic-oriented Conversation Corpus (Academia Sinica)

The Mandarin Topic-oriented Conversation Corpus (MTCC) was recorded in 2002, from January to March. The conversations are natural discussion between two familiar persons. The topic of the conversations is on one chosen event happened in 2001. There a...
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Medical Artifacts (National Taiwan University)

Since the beginning of the Japanese Occupation in 1895, the Japanese had built Taiwan's first hospital on Chiaki street in Da-dao-cheng– the “Japanese Taiwan Clinic,” the former name of National Taiwan University Hospital – followed by the co...
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Medical Books (National Taiwan University)

In 1895, Taiwan was ceded to Japan, and the Japanese medical education system and health care system were directly transplanted to Taiwan and influenced the establishment of the local health care system. Therefore, all the medical papers and journal...
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Medical Journals (National Taiwan University)

In 1895, Taiwan was ceded to Japan, and the Japanese medical education system and health care system were directly transplanted to Taiwan and influenced the establishment of the local health care system. Therefore, all the medical papers and journal ...
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Medical Photographs (National Taiwan University)

Since 1895, when Taiwan was ceded to Japan, National Taiwan University (“NTU”) College of Medicine and National Taiwan University Hospital experienced the initial rough stages of building foundations and plan implementations. While introducing we...
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Microfossils (National Museum of Natural Science)

Nannofossils refer to small fossils that need to be observed and studied through a microscope. Due to wide distribution, large quantity and short lifespan, some nannofossils can be used as index fossils, and are very helpful for comparing geological...
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Minerals (National Museum of Natural Science)

Mineral specimens form an important part of the geology collection of the Museum of Natural Science; specimens include more than a thousand items from around 200 types of minerals. A large variety of regional minerals are represented, as are many pre...
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Minerals (National Taiwan University)

The Department of Geosciences of National Taiwan University was established during the Japanese Colonial Period. Most of its paleontological collection was inherited in the age of Taihoku Imperial University, and its database is quite large in size,...
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Moss (National Museum of Natural Science)

Moss, to the average person, is a common yet alien group of plants. Compared with flowering seed plants and non-flowering ferns, the composition of bryophytes is relatively primitive and simple, without vascular transmission tissues. Transmitting fun...
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