Scientific Name: Luscinia johnstoniae
Common Name: Collared Bush Robin
Chinese name: 栗背林鴝
~~ Introduction~~
The Collared Bush Robin is a Taiwan endemic species. It was first discovered on Alishan (Mt. Ali), and thus is also called the Mt. Ali Robin. It inhabits forest undergrowth or roads in mountainous areas from 2000 to 3500 meters. It mainly feeds on insects. The breeding season of this bird species is from April to July. The plumage differs between males and females. The males are mostly black with a white supercilium. The upper breast and scapulars are reddish-orange. The female is dark olive without any red feathers.
~~ Morphological Characteristics~~
The Collared Bush Robin is roughly the same size as a sparrow. The plumage differs between males and females. The male has a black head, nape and throat with a white supercilium. The scapulars are red. The back and flanks are slate black and the uppertail coverts are white. The upper breast is reddish-orange blending into the scapulars. The lower breast and the sides of the belly are light olive brown. The central part of the belly and the undertail coverts are white. The tail feathers and bill are black. The feet are dark brown. The female is dark olive above and light olive yellow on the undersides. The throat and central part of the belly are lighter. The undertail coverts are white.
~~ Taxonomic Studies ~~
Author: Ogilvie-Grant, W. R.
Year of publication: 1906
Person credited with discovery: Walter Goodfellow
Date of discovery: January 1906
Reference: Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. 1906. Descriptions of new species of birds from central Formosa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist's Club 16:118-119
Type specimen classification:
Holotype: Sex:
Specimen description:
Storage location: British Museum London
Paratype: No. of specimens:
Specimen description:
Storage location: British Museum London
Scientific name changes: Lanthia johnstoniae (Ogilvie-Grant, W. R., named in 1906)
Tarsiger johnstoniae (峰須賀、宇田川, not used until 1951)
Erithacus johnstoniae(Wang, C.H., not used until 1991)
~~ Ecology and Behavior ~~
The Collared Bush Robin prefers to inhabit areas where there are outcrops or open areas without cover. Its activity area includes shrubs in the lower layers of the forest canopy, mountain trails and roads and remnant logs following logging activity. This species mainly feeds on insects. The breeding season is between April and July. Nests are built in tree cavities, in the fissures in roadside walls or between rocks, usually within 1 to 5 meters from the ground. Materials used to build the nest include moss, ferns, animal hair, grass and roots. The nest usually measures between 65 and 130mm in height with a diameter of 50-65mm and a depth of 30-45mm. Eggs are blue green in color without spots, but with a slight luster. The average size of the eggs is 20 x 15mm. Clutch size is 2-3 eggs. The female incubates the eggs and after the chicks hatch both parents take care of them.
Habitat distribution:
This is a species that is endemic to Taiwan. Its distribution is in mountainous areas from 2000-3500 meters. It prefers areas of forest undergrowth. It is often seen alone along forest margins or mountain paths or on low perches.
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