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Outcome-Art Song by Li Tai-Hsiang (結果-李泰祥)

I.    Lyrics (translated from Chinese)

It takes three years for peach and chestnut, eight years for persimmon.
It takes pomelo nine years to fruit. And pear is a fool.
It takes eighteen years. And the love’s fruit sinks into the sea.
The sigh from the sky. Meets with people sporadically.
It needs hundreds of millions of years. It needs hundreds of millions of years.

Lyrics written by Lu Fei-Yi (盧非易)

桃子栗子要三年 柿子要八年
柚子九年才結果 梨子這個笨瓜阿
要十八年 愛的果實沉在海
天空中的嘆息 零星的與人相遇
要億萬年 要億萬年

Tang Hsiao-Shih (唐曉詩)


II.    About this Song
Exposition of the music:
Exposition of the music – The term, “Outcome,” came from Lu Fei-Yi’s poetry. Li Tai-Hsiang used childlike percussion, stringed music, and Tang Hsiao-Shih’s clear voice to be the lead, and then added in tender melody to pass on meaningful meditation of life.

III.    Manuscript

Handwritten manuscript (page 1) of “Outcome in G major” for piano (1986)    Handwritten manuscript (page 2) of “Outcome in G major” for piano (1986)


IV.    Music Score

To view the story of Li Tai-Hsiang, please go to Li Tai-Hsiang, the Native Musician of Taiwan.
Text and images are provided by The Native Musician of Taiwan-Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan


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